1. i just said like 4 times i approve of what obama has done in these areas. please use the eyeball located on the front of your face and read my words. i am not the one critical of obama on the policies i mentioned, the left is, and they are critical for the raeson i listed, because they are bush policies.

    look, i hate big spending and i like wars. bush likes big spending and wars. so does obama. both of them are terrible for spending and good for wars. i know you adore obama and cant possibly find fault with his wonderful perfectness. i can. i do not like Obama when he is like bush and spends alot. you apparently think big spending is bad under bush but rescues economies when obama does it. you seem to be terrified by the idea that other people who are not you are not political hacks who blindly love obama or hate bush. its called nuance.
  2. Yes he did.......

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UErR7i2onW0&feature=related]7 Lies In Under 2 Minutes - YouTube[/ame]
    1 person likes this.
  3. As you should.

    I've read this three times and I have no idea what you are trying to say. :huh:
  4. Every time there is a argument about who is lying or telling the truth in today's politics, the gullible conclude that anybody who is against or hates President Obama is automatically telling the truth. These claims are nothing but fraudulent innuendo.

    #1 -- The White House website has a transcript of the "Transparency And Open Government" directive that Obama initiated. Sadly, he only has control over the Executive branch. He cannot force Congress or the Supreme Court to be transparent when they have largely refused to be. Obama also recently opened the books of the Fed.

    #2 -- Brandeis said ""Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants; electric light the most efficient policeman."

    #3 -- Obama tried and Congress refused to go along with it. Boehner has admitted to passing out bribes from Big Tobacco on the House floor!

    #4 -- Who was Obama meeting with behind those closed doors? Boehner and Reid, along with several other members of Congress. All of whom were representatives of the PEOPLE. It's not like Obama was trying to do anything behind Congress' back.

    #5 -- Here's an example, The Healthcare Reform Bill. There was 4 months between both Houses passing the bill and the President signing it. It doesn't take a genius to know that 4 full months is a lot more than 5 days.

    #6 -- Obama has no power over Congress. Who Congress meets with in order to hammer out the tax agreements is something that even the President is not privy to. Unless Congress tells him.

    #7 -- how can the President know who was REALLY behind the legislation that was brought before Congress unless they tell him, which is something they have rarely ever done in the history of this country?
  5. Can you show me some leadership on the economy? He's doing a great job on the war. Fine. Concession granted.
  6. Well, foreign policy and defense are the two primary responsibilities of the Executive, amigo. The budget, taxes, spending, and creation of laws are the responsibility of Congress. It is Congress that has earned their dismal 13% approval rate. OBama speaks his positions clearly on these matters, but ultimately it is Congress that must act. And they are so polarized and working for their parties instead of their constituents that it is like herding cats. There aren't a lot of Russell Longs, Bob Doles, or Tip O'Neils in this Congress.

    In politically contentious topics you won't recognize his leadership, even if he has led his effort successfully, because it goes against your personal politics. For example . . .

    He got the Health Care Law passed, which had failed all previous attempts. He ran on doing this and was elected on that promise. I know you have issues with it, but it helps a great many people who were unable to get insurance, not just the indigents but working people. Obama led democrats who had a far too broad agenda, to concentrate on the doable. He made huge concessions to the Republicans (who repaid him with not a single vote) in order to make it palatable to the right. And it includes $500 Billion in cuts to medicare, that he gets no credit from the right on.

    I would offer that he successfully led the Stimulus package and other measures that turned the collapsed economy around and stabilized the financial system, as well.

    He has done much to repair America's damaged image around the world, especially with our important allies, and comfortably wears the mantle of leader of the free world. His decisions to back Libyan rebels and to allow Egypt to deal with its own future were crucial to both scenarios. Europe would not have stepped up to the plate without Obama's leadership. He has held Korea's and Iran's feet to the fire and has improved relations with both China and Russia.
  7. Red...give it a rest.

    It's game day.

    Let's talk Arky/Bama.
  8. It's FSA. I talk football in the Den.

    I got everything ready here and the guests haven't arrived yet, so I'm killing some time. So sue me.
  9. We're all killing time waiting for next November. :D