
Assume the election were held TODAY and Romney was on the Republican ticket..who would you vote for?

  1. Obama

    5 vote(s)
  2. Romney

    16 vote(s)
  1. Yeah. Total failure. I'm sure he wishes he was 60 years old and working for the fking State.

    My point in all this is that I'm sick, tired and disgusted with all politicians and a non politician is what this country needs.
  2. Sweet, wouldn't be the first time he pushed a black family out of their house either. :rofl:
  3. trump is horrible, there is not one good thing about him.
  4. You have a complex. The world is not all black and white. Just at your house.

    Black or white, you don't pay the rent you get tossed.
  5. it was a joke dude, lighten up. thought the little smiley rolling indicated that.
  6. You mean someone with "no experience"?! *gasp* Don't we already have that?
  7. Obama had no experience with running anything. Political experience is a liability in my opinion.
  8. You don't have to be a failure to be a loser.

    I could go along those lines . . . but not with Trump. Jeez, he is possibly a worse cartoon than Palin. The last non-politician President we had was Eisenhower. Something along those lines would be what I'd have in mind. A Colin Powell/Wesley Clark/David Petraeus type with experience at top-level budget and crisis management and foreign policy but not a career politician or a rigid ideologue.
  9. i think that if you dont hate donald trump, something is wrong with you.
  10. i could go for that. i voted for clark. interestingly, the only state that clark won a primary was oklahoma. and the guy i later worked for was his campaign chairperson here.