
Assume the election were held TODAY and Romney was on the Republican ticket..who would you vote for?

  1. Obama

    5 vote(s)
  2. Romney

    16 vote(s)
  1. Not true, at all. I just like to mock people when they make petulant, unfunny jokes. And if people are still trying to paint him as a Muslim extremist sympathizer, then they should be mocked for that, as well.
  2. You act as if the Republican candidate is going to be any different than Obama. The parties are pretty much equally terrible. The Republicans have a piss poor record of towing the party line when they have power to do so. See Medicare part D, No Child Left Behind, massive increases in government size (Homeland Security), massive increases in government spending.

    And it isn't like these guys have had a come to Jesus since Bush left office. They took control of the house and preceded to cut a meager 30 billion off of a trillion dollar deficit, and that came in spite of campaign promises to cut at least 100 billion.
    1 person likes this.
  3. When the senate is still controlled by the dems there is very little that could be done. If they would have stuck to the 100 million the senate would have rejected it and the gov would have shut down. Reid said so publically many times. The dems were praying that the gov would shut down in order to blame reps. What would you have them do?
  4. A horse walks into a bar. Bartender says: "Why the long face?"

    Bada Bing!!
  5. I'm delighted. You take yourself out of the equation when you are disgruntled. Excellent.
  6. you mean in the last two years out of eight. Six years of total control.
  7. Read my post again I said the lesser of two evils. I have for years on this board said that the Republican party sucks. I have also said that Bush was the worst President in US history. He has since been replaced by Obama. Both parties are putrid and turn my stomach! However I'd vote for Hilary Clinton over Obama and any Republican should be better than her.
  8. So would I.

    Nooooooooo . . . none of this lineup for sure. Huckaby and Romney have the only serious chops for this business. Neither has a shred of charisma. Huckaby seriously lost the moderates that he had the last time around when he moved marked to the right. Romney is a RINO and is going to be sandbagged by his own party.
  9. Huckabee's personality is actually likeable, but he's a religiuos zealot. I don't think he has a prayer.
  10. I didn't say any of them were worth a sheet, I said better than Obama. Yes either one of those two would be better, although I might puke when I actually press the button to vote for either of them. I'd rather Ron Paul, but my kids can't afford another 4 years of Obama so I doubt he will get my vote this time.:bncry: