
Assume the election were held TODAY and Romney was on the Republican ticket..who would you vote for?

  1. Obama

    5 vote(s)
  2. Romney

    16 vote(s)
  1. Voting for the lessor of 2 evils is such a cop-out. All you get is the same ****. Why do you think we are where we at today.
  2. Most of the talk from the GOP that I hear focuses on bashing Obama and the Democrats. I don't necessarily see anything wrong with that but curious how much time is spent ironing out differences within the Republican party. Is it roughly 10%, 25%?

    I don't watch or listen to political shows nearly as much as most of you. If I had one of those Fox shows, I would spend more time bashing GOP political figures that didn't conform with the mainstream GOP ideal (similar to what is happening in this thread). Maybe those types of programs already exist and I just don't know about them. It just seems like it would be more productive to get everyone closer to being on the same page.
  3. I'd vote none of the above for that election.
  4. Actually, I knew what you meant. Not the fact that people do it accidentally but the ones who do it intentionally.

    But you come across as petty bc you were smitten with obama and you are seemingly hypersensitive to his criticism and/or jokes. The Osama thing is kinda funny if you aren't tied at the hip. It says more on your reaction than the joke itself.

  5. Because we don't have the balls to vote for Ron Paul!!!
  6. My proofreading needs work. Your diligence is appreciated. :)
  7. you mean thank you sir, may I have another.

    no diligence; it just happens.
  8. Not voting is the cop-out.

  9. And voting for a candidate that is less terrible is irresponsible. I reserve my vote for candidates I believe in.
  10. Yes that sounds great and bravo but voting for someone that doesn't have a chance to win gave us Obama. This time I'm voting for what ever candidate the Republicans regurgitate to us that will beat hope and change. Give me a better candidate with a chance to win and I'll vote for him/her/it. I could care less what party they belong to. You go vote for some fringe kook an see how you like 4 more years of Socialism. Oh yes and make sure you tell your kids and grand kids that are living under these socialist programs that daddy/paw paw helped re-elect the bastard that gave us this new America.:dis: