
Assume the election were held TODAY and Romney was on the Republican ticket..who would you vote for?

  1. Obama

    5 vote(s)
  2. Romney

    16 vote(s)
  1. Absolutey. Misspeaking is one thing. Intentionally typing sometimg out and then pretending it was a mistake without bothering to delete it is entirely different. I'm sure this doesn't need to be explained to you.

    And I'm not sure you know what hyperbole is.
  2. right, but what needs to be explained to you is that i enjoy this joke and i think Obama is neither a terrorist nor a muslim (nor a christian). so your assertion is incorrect, i am the counterexample. i would assume the rest of the folks here, like sabanfan for example, believe the osama, i mean obama is neither a muslim, nor a terrorist, they are just amusing themselves with this incredibly unlikely name similarity. i mean, the man's middle name is hussein for god's sakes.

    it is an exaggeration for effect, like for example when someone exaggerates the similarity between two names, yunno for the purposes of pointing out that we dont even know two people in the world with names anything like that, except for the two most newsworthy men on earth right now. its a fun thing to point out. even news reporters cant get it right.

    its like if you were in a poker tournament and the final round paired you with the very patient female champion: "constrained" kay ross. i would be amused.
  3. I'd vote Romney as the lesser of two evils, just like I've been doing for years. Even the same old tired a$$ Republican reruns are better than Mr hope and change(socialism).
  4. Wow. 3-1 in favor of Romney over Mr. "we've got the best border security we've had in years". Hmm...not surprising.
  5. No, staunch conservatives like Shane (and also many members of my family) intentionally make the "mistake" to be derogatory, which brings us back to my original assertion that it is terribly lame. Everyone knows that the two names are similar; there is no reason to go out of your way to demonstrate that, which is what happened.

    That is an awful example. I expected more from you.
  6. I wouldn't read too much into it. TF doesn't exactly represent the best cross-section of America.
  7. Have you forgotten the vitriol leveled at Bush? Let's sh!tcan the hypocricy.

    He's been out of office for 3 years and it still happens.
  8. I'd vote for Romney over Obama, but as stated in an earlier post he's not my 1st choice.
  9. I could give two shtis about the vitriol directed at either guy. I just think it's a terribly lame joke that should only be funny to second-graders. I don't think that I can be any more clear about this.

    Only a shade over two, but nonetheless, you were taking shots at Clinton through the end of Bush's second term. You may very well still be.
  10. I like Clinton.

    I also like the Osa, err...Obama stuff. Funny as hell to me.