
Assume the election were held TODAY and Romney was on the Republican ticket..who would you vote for?

  1. Obama

    5 vote(s)
  2. Romney

    16 vote(s)
  1. Even more doomed if they choose Palin.
  2. So who is it then? The toupee? Surely not.

    after further review he may in fact not get canned after all.:confused:
  3. I might go with Rubio, if them slimy libs can fire somebody out there that has no experience then we can do the same thing. At least this cat seems to have his head on straight. By that I mean not an America hating commie, socialist, wealth redistributing, marx loving, born in (insert african village) liberal.:D
    1 person likes this.
  4. They don't have anybody. Republicans tend to elect people on rhetoric and talking points. 99% of them are running around with their heads cut off because they can't find anymore rhetoric that makes sense.

    I'm just waiting for them to implode.
  5. They rely on the "Southern Strategy" and they rely on getting voted into office based on moral issues. Problem is, with the advent of the internet and social media, folks is gettin' a little more edumcated (I said a little) and they are voting on more hot button issues than just abortion or other moral issues....so the "southern strategy" still works in the south, but the moral issues don't permeate throughout the rest of the country like they used to. Voters are looking at other issues.

    The Repubs are realizing this and are scrambling for a new strategy or, as you put it, "talking points".
  6. I've heard newscasters make that freudian Obama/Osama slip up at least a half dozen times.

    I would vote for Mr. Magoo against Osa, err, Obama.
  7. same here, it was virtually constant over the last few weeks. even katie couric did it live on the nightly news or whatever.
  8. Right, which is totally the same thing as a clearly biased individual taking the time to intentionally type it out and then pretend it was an accident in the next few keystrokes, especially when the option to delete is so readily available. The two instances are practically indistinguishable.
  9. Obama or any modern democrat will not get my vote. The blue dog conservative democrat is dead. Romney is not a conservative either. I don't want to vote for a republican. I want to vote for a conservative that will stop bankrupting the country. I don't want the dems or pubs telling me how to live. Social issues like gays getting married should be up to the states. Stop the financial bleeding. Pay down the debt. Stay out of social issues. More personal freedom and less gov spending. I am more on the lines of Ron Paul than Romney.

  10. WOOOHOOOO!!!!!