
Assume the election were held TODAY and Romney was on the Republican ticket..who would you vote for?

  1. Obama

    5 vote(s)
  2. Romney

    16 vote(s)
  1. I wonder if General Pateraeus is a republican or democrat. I would think he would be a republican since he is military. I'm not flamining here it's just more likely he's a republican. He seems very level headed and honorable. I wish he would run.
  2. By the way lasalle, what do you think about a Karl rove/ dick Morris ticket? Just kidding!:thumb:
  3. i would definitely vote for that and it would be one of the best we have had in decades.
  4. The military voted for Obama in 2008.

  5. Red where did you get this info? The only thing I can find is an old article on the huffingtonpost. It was determined there that it was a shift but out of the 15 military communities 8 elected McCain, and 6 elected Obama, and one was split. So would that not mean the military vote went to McCain? Here is the link.

    Brandon Friedman: Election Data: Military Communities Shift Democratic in 2008
  6. Good call;)
  7. he found it in his liberati manifesto.
  8. Red claims to be centrist but only speaks democratic talking points. He is probably the smartest person on this board so he must see that the republicans have atleast a couple of good stances and policies. I very much respect his incite but can't understand how he can claim independence but speak almost totally from a liberal stance.
  9. True

    Most widely read perhaps, but martin is the smartest.

    That's my job.