Great get. . . Was Spears really one of only three not to take the Wonderlick test? Shucks, even Clarett stuck around that long :hihi: And Travis Daniels with a 10??? There's only like 3 or 4 guys that did worse than that. (One of them was Frank Gore. I mean come on, how dumb must that guy be? He's been at Miami for what now, 7 or 8 years? Unable to play for 3/4 of the years there. What WAS he doing with all that time?)
seems like wilkerson is the only tiger there with even half a brain. i thought strength and conditioning was an lsu strength? so what's with the crappy bench presses?
Props to Frank Gore for pulling up the rear with an astonishing 6 on the wonderlic. Honestly, I'm disappointed in TD and CW for pulling 10 and 12, respectively. That's gotta hurt. I dunno if I'd expect CW to be able to do a bunch, but you'd expect Spears and Wilkerson to be able to at least do 25 apiece. TD didn't even do the drill.
oh my god, a 10 and 12 for td and cw on the wonderlic. you've got to be kidding me. that is horrible and embarrassing. i used to think that as well but after watching the nfl guys compete, 25 is a lot even for linemen which is why I was so shocked to see braylon edwards do that many. thats simply amazing for a WR. many guys are instructed by their agent which to perform and which not, due to injuries or other reasons then wait til they have their 'day' to perform. See mike williams.
i wasn't. sorry if it came across that way. I am shocked to say the least. Those guys cannot be that stupid...I hope.
Fun facts off the Internet regarding Wonderlic test: The best possible score on the Wonderlic is a 50. The lowest is a zero. A score of 20 is consistent with an IQ of about 100, while a 10 means the player can be generously described as "mostly literate." If you understand the theory of the Bell Curve, you'll understand why a 19 Wonderlic score isn't a 95 IQ, 18 does not equal 90, 10 does not equal 50, etc.... A score of 10 would be roughly equal to an IQ of 70...moderately retarded. The national average is 21.4, and the minimum for Mechanical Engineers, just for comparison's sake, is 30. Lowest recorded score I can find is Renard Wilson of Fla State with a 4. Tulane quarterback J.P. Losman’s (now Buffalo starting QB) score on the Wonderlic went from a dunce-cap 14 to a genius-level 40 in less than a year. (???) Average score on the Wonderlic: Offensive tackles: 26 Centers: 25 Quarterbacks: 24 Guards: 23 Tight Ends: 22 Safeties: 19 Middle linebackers: 19 Cornerbacks: 18 Wide receivers: 17 Fullbacks: 17 Halfbacks: 16 The average scores in other professions look like this: Chemist: 31 Programmer: 29 Newswriter: 26 Sales: 24 Bank teller: 22 Clerical Worker: 21 Security Guard: 17 Warehouse: 15
hahaha brock berlin scored a 13 which is awful for a qb. david greene with a 19. rumor has it, he was preoccupied priming pollack's motor. :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:
"A score of 10 or below is an indication of literacy problems." There is no way that LSU did not do something against NCAA rule with Travis. How can a illiterate person go to a decent school like LSU for 5 years and not flunk out?