1. it can’t get better than pappy
    shane0911 likes this.
  2. Shane says he's not a beer snob but he just might be a whiskey snob too.
  3. Or more expensive, have to draw the line somewhere

    Not really, if I only drank the beer I really like I'd be broke and weigh 300lbs. If I'm going to spend money on bourbon it will NOT be spent on rock gut shit like Jim or Jack
    COTiger and Bengal B like this.
  4. Not dead but Tedy Bruschi suffered his second stroke. Since his name is pronounced Brewsky I always thought he had the coolest name in sports.
  5. ??
  6. I’m a fan of woodford reserve and makers mark
    shane0911 likes this.
  7. You sir, can drink with me any day!

    Good man!
  8. Ross Perot

    DALLAS (AP) — H. Ross Perot, the colorful, self-made Texas billionaire who rose from a childhood of Depression-era poverty and twice ran for president as a third-party candidate, has died. He was 89.

    Perot, whose 19% of the vote in 1992 stands among the best showings by an independent candidate in the past century, died early Tuesday at his home in Dallas surrounded by his devoted family, family spokesman James Fuller said.
  9. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0090491/
    As the Ayatollah Khomeini takes over Iran, two executives of the Texas based Electronic Data System's (EDS) are arrested in Tehran and held for $13,000,000 ransom. H. Ross Perot, the company head, tries diplomatic approaches to get his executives released. When that fails, he hires a retired Army Colonel to head up a rescue mission.
  10. https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4006615/perot-ears