1. @mobius481 I know right. At almost 2 for 1 on your money plus inspector clouseau er I mean the ncaa. Its worth a shot for a couple hundie. Then when he plays I make money AND we get to kick his ass in TS.
  2. Plus, if you had already made a bet on the ATM Bama game, this could serve as a good hedge. Not that I gamble or anything, just saying.
  3. You know, I don't like anything Johnny Manziel stands for, he epitomizes everything I don't like about human beings.... But, this is a stupid rule. You can't charge for your own signature? I know it's against the rules, and if found guilty he won't be playing for A&M anymore, and blah blah blah, but still, stupid rule. Not like accepting cash to play for a certain team, charging for what is legally yours.
    LSUTiga and Attack Tiger like this.

  4. I'm concerned that an LSU booster might be willing to pay more for a Leonard Fournette signature than one of our homies. I know, hard to imagine.
  5. Again...scandalous and cheating behavior should be fully regulated. But not this. These guys SHOULD get compensated for their individual properties.

  6. Hard to run down all this scandalous and cheating behavior when your pockets are full of cold hard cash.
  7. Nope, sorry, doesn't fly. If the rule is stupid then change the rule. It is that simple. Just like the drug rule, or the murder rule, or the rape rule etc. The rule was in place, he knew the rule was in place, he broke the rule so its time to pay the fiddler.
  8. I don't disagree, if that's the rule that's the rule regardless of how stupid it is. Just saying, it's like saying you can't sell your used car, or your speakers. They are yours, just like your autograph.
    Attack Tiger likes this.
  9. I'd also like to throw a woman's vagina into that mix. Seriously. It's not like we don't pay for it anyway.
    shane0911 likes this.