1. Let it be noted that I agree with PURPLE TIGER.

    I've been making involuntary Dr. Strangelove salutes all morning . . . :grin:
  2. immigrants and non-immigrants means everyone. are you saying hillary is stupid because she said that? i dont understand.
  3. i assumed he was talking about driver's license while driving. but im sure everyone gets that.
  4. i still dont really understand.

    i know we need to have a our driver's licenses when we drive, but we dont need them any other time. we should never need to carry anything, unless we have a legit reason to prove we are who we say we are, like boarding a plane. looking like a dirty mexican does not count as a time when we should have to prove our identity.
  5. to many here it does
  6. No, that's incorrect. Immigrants are those who are coming to America with the intent on staying permanently. Non-immigrants are those who come for business, pleasure, or to provide a service needed in America. Illegal aliens do not possess a legal immigrant or non-immigrant visa.

    Hillary made a stupid comment about racial profiling without having a clue about the law. Her comment suggested that the Arizona initiative/law/etc. would lead legal residents to carry documentation which she deemed racist. It's already a law but she obviously had no clue. SURPRISE!
  7. Some places require an id to cash a check or even write a check. If a police officer stops a car you're a passenger in, he has authority to id you and other passengers. At that time, you actually would have to prove your identity. But, it's easier to assume that it's all profiling. Sometimes you have to have an id buy alcohol and tobacco.
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  8. alcohol or tobacco? hell, because of really strict state laws here to try to combat the meth problem, i have to show an id when i buy freakin nyquil or a lot of other cold/allergy medicines!

    maybe i should scream discrimination because im being picked on because i have allergies. the nerve of our state lege inconvenience me and make me show id when im sneezing. that's un-american!

  9. i am not sure what you guys are saying. you are saying it is ok to racial profile? i agree, but i dont think it is necessary because i dont want the immigrants thrown out, i want them to stay.
  10. not saying its ok to profile.

    saying that state laws are passed that make showing an id required for many things. and if an id has to be required during a lawful stop for other reasons, i dont see a problem. i have no problem with legal immigrants. its illegal ones i have a problem with.