National ID Cards

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by OkieTigerTK, Apr 25, 2010.

  1. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Dumbass should have carried his card.
  2. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    dude has to carry a card or risk losing his freedom? how can you say this is anything other than extreme? our freedom is at stake.
  3. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Why couldn't the feds just look at our friends face and the picture of the guy they are looking for to determine he wasn't the guy?
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    It's subjective. Disguises, etc.
  5. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Now you have convinced me. We need national ids because of fake beards.
    1 person likes this.
  6. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    see below:

    So my pal got detained for not having his ID. You say it won't be mandatory, yet my pal is in trouble for doing nothing wrong. Would these FBI types be so limited because of the existence of an ID card that they can't look at my friend and say, "oh, you don't fit the description. You can go."

    BTW, when I and the others talk about a move towards socialism or communism, we're referencing recent historic examples of nations that systematically oppressed the freedoms of their citizens while practicing this form of society, such as the USSR, Communist China, North Korea, Cuba, etc. You are too smart not to realize this, and your constant dodging of that fact by referencing Mr. Webster is getting old. (I'm talking about your constant quoting of dictionary definitions of communism, socialism, etc. The issue is rights, not economics.)
  7. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    He already answered this. Fake beards.

    Totalitarian is more accurate.
  8. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    exactly. detaining people is the least cool thing imaginable.
  9. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Not in trouble at all, just not fast-tracked out like the folks carrying a Passport Card. He has to wait until the phone calls and internet verifications happen. The card makes it easy for citizens, not difficult. Fast-tracked at airport security, positive ID for banking and credit, quick processing by police or border authorities, reduce fraud, reduced identity theft, effective immigration control, effective homeland security enforcement, . . . the benefits go on and on. You are willing to carry a Books-a-Million card for a 10% discount but not a NID for all these benefits?

    Now you confuse totalitarianism with communism. Totalitarians exist at both extremes, not just the left extremes. The Nazi and fascist right-wing extremes are also totalitarian. If you want to complain about totaliatarians, then do so. Be sure to explain how a better friggin' identification card constitutes such.

    Sorry, Charlie, you don't get to make up definitions for these terms. You're smart enough to realize what communism is and what it isn't. You are still trying to paint a simple identity check as "oppression" and "communism" and continue to dodge the challenge to explain how that works.

    YOU are the one that brought communism into a discussion about a national identity card. Communism is a socio-economic philosophy, you know.

    PURPLE TIGER HOPE is not a strategy!

    Although people like Hillary Clinton have no clue therefore make ridiculous comments about racial profiling, immigrants and non-immigrants are required by law to carry their documents on their person.

    Arizona is not interested in conducting raids on homes, schools, churches, etc. This is simply sensationalism on behalf of those who have a vested interest in illeagl aliens flooding our country. (Isn't interesting how they're only concerned about the impact on Hispanics...and yet they call everyone else racist. Vive la raza!)

    When a state or local law enforcement officer stops a vehicle for a traffic violation and notices a dozen people packed like sardines in the back, is it unrealistic to believe the officer has reasonable suspicion or even probable cause to believe there's a federal law violation occuring?

    I'm not sure if anyone on this site has arrest authority or experience but if I asked where you could go to hire an illegal day laborer many would recommend I drive to Home Depot. How do they know these people are here illegally? They're brown?...Hispanic?...they congregate at Home Depot? If an average citizen reasonably believes they can determine alienage how can they not believe an experienced law enforcement officer who deals with these issues on a daily basis can't?

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