1. Why should it be my responsibility to prove I belong here? I understand having some form of secure id for flying or entering secure buildings. If I look a little to brown, or my eyes are too slanty well those things aren't exactly crimes. Except in Arizona.
  2. National ID cards.....or we could just make people who appear to be Mexican produce their proof of legal presence. Nope, can't do that....that would be profiling, and that's just not right. And we all know how well not profiling makes the airports work, don't we? :dis:
    1 person likes this.
  3. i once knew a guy whose face looked like a mexican cabbage
  4. zing
  5. What if... and stay with me here. What if, you are in a situation (as a law enforcement official) that you have probable cause to already be speaking with a person. And then you ask for ID? Would that work? I feel like that would be like just identifying a person. But at the same time, you're showing your residency. Make sense?
  6. did he have a cauliflower ear? :hihi:

  7. i thought of that. and my first thought was will, or will that avenue detection of illegals, be "abused". such as stopping every hispanic looking person for jay-walking.
  8. The only time you have to provide a physical ID is if you are driving a car. Other than that, a citizen shouldn't be required to carry one.

    This said, I do believe there are various times a person's legality is okay to determine. For example, getting a driver's license or starting a new job,
  9. Right. OK then. Just not when you are walking around looking all foreign.
  10. I have no problem with National IDs, but don't we already have state IDs? Wouldn't it be better to do come up with some house rules about validating identity through a system that is already in place rather than create yet another bureaucarcy?