1. People who don't like Fox News lump every one into the Hannity mold. Hannity is unabashedly anti-Obama. So much so that even I don't watch because it's going to be the same bashing every night. O'Reilly leans right, but he takes pride in his efforts to present both sides fairly. People who don't agree with that don't watch him and just spout off what they hear from lefties with an agenda. I watch O'Reilly every night but he often grates on me because he has an ego the size of Jupiter and he cuts off people entirely too much. He says it's to keep them from filibustering and to keep them on point, but it's annoying. Still, I can watch and get both sides of an issue in a fairly objective manner and that exists nowhere else on Television news.
  2. O'Reilly is far smarter than most of them, but he forgets that there are some other smart people out there too. When one of them gets on his show, O'Reilly interrupts them, cuts them off, and grandstands in general. His Ego gets in his way. But you are right, he doesn't deserve to be classed with Limbaugh, Beck and Coulter. Which is why moderates don't bash him much.

    Well I don't watch daytime TV or MSNBC, so I have no opinion on The View, but I don't think it is a serious news commentary. And I've never see Maddow's show, I've just seen her in clips from other shows.

    CNN and BBC are the only news networks that balance liberal and conservative interviews well. I don't watch Al Jazeera either, but I'm told that news junkies like it because they play the straight news and rarely put on talking heads to spin the news.
  3. I question the intelligence of ANYONE who watches ANY cable news whatsoever...

  4. Maybe not where you are walking. :hihi: