1. the truth is hard to swallow sometimes isn't it. how is telling a woman what she can and can't do with her own body not intrusive? How is telling 2 people that they can't be married not intrusive? how is telling people if they have pre marital sex they will go to jail not intrusive? i could go on and on and on.
  2. its imperative to listen to idiots talk. im doing it with you two just in this thread.
  3. Liberals are so two faced and hypocritical it's beyond comical.

    Coming after you? Does she mean like all of the liberal groups like MoveOn and Media Matters that aren't content to just not watch Fox but go after advertisers and strong arm them into pulling advertising.

    Or unions who still engage in mob style thuggery against their foes.

    Or black and hispanic race baiters who shake down businesses lest they be picketed for "racism"

    Yeah, it's the conservatives you have to look out for.
    1 person likes this.
  4. oh no, how will i sleep now? :cry:
  5. They are looking into seeing if fed funds were used unlawfully from what I got from it
  6. bet you didn't watch the segment either did you.

    bet you believe this too don't you...

    Disgruntled Obama Now Considering Death Panels - Nonsense News – Funny News Stories and Weird News Articles

    ruh roh
  7. Madcow is a psychotic lesbian with a mad on because she cannot legally marry her carpet munching life partner. She cannot reconcile her love/ hate relationship with Bush.
  8. what the hell is msnbc? does it have something to do with microsoft?
  9. How many viewers do she have? 10? 20?

    She's giving herself WAY TOO MUCH credit if she believes she has that much impact on Americans.