1. The Govt. doesn't need to steal more taxpayer dollars. They should work with what they got and stop passing the buck to the taxpayer.
  2. So, let the $15 Trillion ride?
  3. Here is an idea. Spend less on programs and reappropriate the money to pay down the debt.
  4. How many times do you have to completely fail at something before you realize your tactics just don't freaking work? Go with the GOP, right off the side of the cliff.
  5. I see everything through a lens of reality. Show me where voodoo economics has worked. You can't because it's failed over and over and over and over and over and over again, and continues to fail today.
  6. Cut programs. Lots of programs. Take money. Pay debt. When done. Reduce taxes more.
  7. Why do you keep using talking points and rhetoric that mean nothing?

    The Govt. is not made to take care of people. That means the rich and the poor.
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  8. No
  9. OK. I understand now that you've thoroughly outlined your position.:confused:
  10. Wow... That guy is great.....

    I am not one to jump on here and argue politics because although I am very conservative I realize different minded people are not idiots or stupid. Just different minded. Which is why I avoid these debates.

    But this was really good. this guy is very dynamic....

    However I never understand how the left can say tax the prosperous more when 49% of the US population paid no taxes at all.
    At what point does Obama's "Spread the wealth" end and I am using His words not mine....
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