1. Of course I do, but I recognize that most of it was created by Obama's predecessor. You ignore this vital fact.

    Acknowledgment that he has not yet failed.

    But a major part of the boost is the expense of Bush's two unfinished wars, the stimulus that halted the recession, and Bush's own Trillion-dollar Health Care plan (Medicare Prescription Drug Plan) which we are already paying for, unlike Obama's.
  2. I agree with your first point, but I think that a lot of the reason that "There's more unemployed people now more than ever before! Head for the hills!" cooments are being made is by the way the numbers get thrown around. Unemployment/real unemployment/ unemployment and looking for work/unemployment no longer looking for work. These are quantifying statistics, but the can be very vauge and twisted by social and political commentators to scar the public or to placate them. I think we would be better served just to say "This percent of Americans are unemployed." That way, there is no guess work, no report from CNN that unemployment is 9.5 while Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh have it at 17%.

    As far as your second point, I would agree, and all the I have to look at is Bush's first term when popularity was already waining on the Iraq war, but he still defeated John Kerry with over 50% of the vote, the first time anyone had done so since the early 1990's.
  3. and you also can't blame jordan jefferson when he gets put in the game in the 4th quarter after Jarrett Lee has just thown 2 pick sixes.
  4. Barry is making it worse. The economy is not improving. Debt is not being reduced. Deficits are skyrocketing. Unemployment is worse than when Barry took over. No one is going to blame Bush.

    You cannot wait for the implosion. If Jarret Lee throws 2 pick sixes you don't leave him in there just because the game isn't lost yet.

    So Obama's spending is subtracted from that? Spending under Bush is a moot point. Your boy is spending at a record pace. Between George Washington's inauguration and Obama's inauguration, US Presidents had spent $9 trillion total. In less than 2 years B. Hussein has spent $3 and a half trillion.
  5. If we're only down 10 points and he throws two more pick sixes you can.....:wave:
  6. true dat...
  7. Not by a long shot.

    Misleading with numbers again, but I am not fooled. You ignore inflation and value 1789 dollars as if they were 2010 dollars.

    Try to get it through your headbone . . . some of that money is paying for Dubya's wars and his own Trillion-dollar health plan. It's not all on Obama, some is a legacy from your hero. Some more of that money is stimulus spent to control the recession, and Republicans would have spent it too.

    Plus your numbers aren't close to right, here are the actual budget figures:

    2011 - $3.8 trillion - submitted by Obama
    2010 - $3.6 trillion - submitted by Obama
    2009 - $3.1 trillion - submitted by Bush
    2008 - $2.9 trillion - submitted by Bush
    2007 - $2.8 trillion - submitted by Bush
    2006 - $2.7 trillion - submitted by Bush
    2005 - $2.4 trillion - submitted by Bush
    2004 - $2.3 trillion - submitted by Bush
    2003 - $2.2 trillion - submitted by Bush
    2002 - $2.0 trillion - submitted by Bush
    2001 - $1.9 trillion - submitted by Clinton

    That's $3.1 trillion so far for Obama and $20.4 trillion for Bush. But in time Obama will catch up.
  8. What few people have enough intellectual honesty to admit is the deficit cannot really be addressed without major cuts to the big 4: Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and DOD. All this chest huffing by Republicans about eliminating pork, rooting out fraud, waste, and abuse will have little effect on the deficit.

    What I find painfully ironic is the baby boomers yell about deficits the loudest but don't want to give up the freebies in order to adequately address the issue. It will be my generation, the ones the boomers call lazy and selfish no-nothings, who will have to make the sacrifices and dig out of the mess the boomers created.
    1 person likes this.
  9. thank you

    My family worked hard and saved their money so they didn't have to depend on entitlements after retirement. Unfortunately, can't say the same for many aged.