1. according to the right, everything the left does is appease their far left base. according to the left, everything the right does is to appease their nutty far right base.

    No one in politics can do anything good anymore without the other team saying they only did it for publicity.
  2. It is unconstitutional because it mirrors the federal law. If you've paid any attention you know that I have no problem with the Arizona law and think the feds should enforce it themselves. But it is unconstitutional and will be struck down. Hopefully it has pushed the feds into tighter enforcement with all of the new manpower Obama has provided. But if the republicans get back into office, all progress will be lost. Prosecutions of employers will stop and border patrol will be reduced again.

    It's the law. Arizona got what it wanted . . . federal attention to the immigration issue brewing along the border. Eventually the border patrol must be made big enough to enforce the law tightly everywhere. They already have the authority to profile illegal aliens and to detain citizens for inspections.
  3. No, the Attorney general is the official responsible for enforcing federal laws. He works for Obama. Both are officially responsible to do this, any sitting President would, or else surrender sovereign federal authority to a state. We fought a civil war over never doing that.

    This is an arguable point and the reason that Arizona forced this court challenge--to get the judges to rule that the US government has a responsibility to protect a state from foreign invasion and illegal immigrations in return for forbidding states to engage in it.

    How? The law is presecribed and Arizona wants a very public court fight to help sway US public opinion to get the government to step up to the plate and control the border.

    Get used to it. He's a low-drama kind of guy. Let the courts rule on the legality before doing anything rash. Because the next step a President have to take would be federalizing the National Guard and sending in US Marshals to enforce federal laws. It's a states-rights issue and we don't need another civil war to settle it.
  4. Speaking of Mochelle:

    Left to right - Princess Letizia of Spain, French first lady Carla
    Bruni and, yep, you guessed it.
  5. yowzer, 2 nice ones, Machelle needs to hit the gym. I like big asses but damn. You can't even tell where her ass begins and where it ends. Looks like she could reach over her shoulder to pull her wallet out her back pocket.
  6. Failure manifests itself in many forms, fashions and shapes. Obama gives us plenty of each to choose from. As for being relative to his predecessor, you are letting your personal political views jade your vision. I could not stand Bush. Alan Keyes would have been my choice.

    Edmunds.com for one.

    And the Feds have sat on it long enough. Only reason Obama's being tagged with it is due to him having no clue about what it is to be American and pandering to Messican illegals and other non-American groups. Course, having a mentor-like relationship with Frank Marshall Davis, a well known Communist says a lot.

    If I say you can have half of the money does it not matter if the total is $100.00 or $1,000,000.00? Quarterback who completes 100% of his passes but only threw one...no difference? I got it.

    Which one? So many to choose from here.

    <Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™>

    Polls reflect voters/votes. They don't vote for candidates who are failing them which constitutes FAIL...ING.
  7. Well you haven't won a debate with him in...well come to thing about it... :lol:

    If I'm going down it's going to be swinging.

    Glad to see you saved the rod & reel for at least a little while to help with some cover fire.

  8. Debating Red about Obama is futile. He's got a blind spot and cannot see the massive spending and debt which is hurtling the US toward bankruptcy. You cannot wait for him to fail. He's got to be stopped now. When the Dems took over Congress the deficit was 160 billion. It's now 1.3 Trillion and will go up 6% this year. This can't be sustained.
  9. They must be very small.

    Uh, oh. If you're a lunatic birther, then there is no point in continuing.

    No. You don't.

    Say there are 100 unemployed people. So what? It tells us nothing

    Now, say that there are 100 unemployed people out of 1,000 and then it has significance and relevance (10%). Then say that there are 91 unemployed people out of 387 (23.6%) and it becomes clear that this is a far worse unemployment situation because it is expressed as a percentage of the total population.

    To say that there are more unemployed now that in any time in history is deceptive hyperbole.

    I repeat, public popularity does not constitute a Presidential failure. It's not how anyone defines failure.

    In fact, this poll reflects popular opinions, not votes.