Moochelle Obama cares

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by SabanFan, Aug 30, 2010.

  1. Bayou Tiger

    Bayou Tiger Founding Member

    Obama is ineptitude at it's finest.

    *Managed to destroy our economy in less than first 100 days in office.

    *Cash for clunkers

    *National health care

    *Immigration reform in Arizona

    * Obama claims progress on the economy, but more Americans remain out of work than at any time in the nation’s history.

    *The White House’s slow response to the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico will be Obama’s Katrina .

    * The President’s expanded war effort in Afghanistan has failed so miserably that even the General in charge of the operation admits “nobody is winning.”

    At least next election we won't have to hear, "Yes we can!" "Yes we can!"

  2. LSUDad

    LSUDad Veteran Member

    Hes trying to hit all 57 states again.:lol:
  3. Bayou Tiger

    Bayou Tiger Founding Member


    Probably thought Spain was Northern Africa.
  4. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    I figured that was opening up a big ole can. :hihi:
  5. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Not a fact. He inherited a crashed economy which has improved.

    Give me a break, you're putting this up against 9/11, two failed wars, mortage and banking collapses, and the biggest recession since the great depression. Sure, pal. Cash for clunkers was an overwhelming failure. :lol:

    Not a failure. Not even implemented yet.

    Nothing to do with Obama. But I do hold him accountable for Immigration to the entire USA and there is much left to do but he has greatly strengthened the Border Patrol and stepped up prosecution of illegal employers, which is a long way from a failure.

    Nonsense, The unemployment rate in 1932 was 23.6 percent and didn't drop below 10% until the massive 1941 draft put everyone to work in WWII.

    What slow response? The Coast Guard was on top of the situation from Day one with administration authority and support which steadily increased. BP was held responsible from Day one. It is nothing close to the government Katrina failures of the Army Corps and FEMA.

    We're out of Iraq on schedule, as promised. Afghanistan will take longer, but it won't take the 7 years that Bush took and failed to resolve anything. We're digging our way out, not digging it deeper.

    Keep trying guys. Sooner of later Obama will fail at something, but a year and a half isn't enough time for it to have happened yet. After 8 years everyone will know what worked and what failed. Then compare the list to Bush.
  6. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Turns out you're right . . . but I'm rested and ready for BayouTiger. :grin:
  7. LSUDeek

    LSUDeek All That She Wants...

    9.6% of 310 million is more than 23.6% of 120 million, champ
  8. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Clearly you need to watch Fox News and catch up on what's going on.

    Seriously, what about the drilling moratorium. That hits home and is a huge failure, at least as far as Louisiana's economy is concerned..
  9. Bayou Tiger

    Bayou Tiger Founding Member

    Not at all, just evidencing one of his many failures. The program cost taxpayers $3 billion. If that's not worth note then okay.

    Sadly, of more than 690,000 vehicles sold, only about 125,000 of the sales were entirely due to the government's added inducement. The rest of buyers just got lucky by getting the government to kick cash into deals that they would have proceeded with anyhow.

    Ever hear of "Boutique" doctors? Movement has already become more prevalent.

    The hell it ain't. That's like saying offensive troubles have nothing to do with the head coach. When the Federal Gov't files suit to stop it THAT IS Obama.

    But there were way fewer people back then. :lol:

    Oh I never doubted him getting us OUT would be a problem.

    The public polls show differently.
  10. Bayou Tiger

    Bayou Tiger Founding Member

    I'm trying to help you here. We might take him, two-on-one, but you're gonna hafta do more than regurgitate.

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