Correct. I'll add to that, ALL players do this. Athletes play up...or down to their competition. Anyone who's played organized sports knows how fired up you get to play a team you out-class by 10 miles. Just human nature.
Go back and look at LaRon Landry's best game in the 2009 season, against the undefeated Saints. The next season, his best game, Green Bay. Guess he gets up for big games?
If this had been anyone that fans thought had a bad attitude, or had questionable ethics or whatever, everyone on this board would be skewering him right now. But Montgomery gets a pass because he's likable. Randy Moss never was able to shake this "taking plays off" persona, even after arguably the greatest single season a receiver ever had. Hypocritical. It's also funny how some are saying this was obvious with Sam and he's known for it, yet I never recall a single post or thread by anyone pointing it out until now. I guess it is pretty obvious after he admits it.
Not at all. In fact, I can recall considerable discussion on the "lack of pass rush" by LSU from both this board and the national media. It is what it is, the defense did what it had to do for most of the season and I don't think anyone cared. No one was putting up gawdy numbers on our D The difference (imo) is if you are an offensive talent like moss or more vividly to me, TO and you take plays off it stands out. It was so obvious with TO and it cost just about every team he played on. It also isn't hard to see where you are going with this, you are talking about TM7, get over it. He made some really bad choices and it cost him and his team. There isn't a member of this board that wouldn't have loved for him to play this year but whether you like it or not, regardless of what you think about the law, it is the law, the rule, the facts of life and HE violated it. No one made him, no one talked him into it. He made the choice and he paid the price as did all of us as fans. It is about time you start holding him accountable and stop looking for absolution from the rest of us for his wrong doings. You are an alright dude but it is time to let it go.
You sure his best game that year was against the Saints? I seem to remember him getting beat twice on double moves for TDs.
During the season, there was some pre-draft article linked here that talked about Montgomery's "bad attitude" or something to that effect. Most people on the board, myself included, bashed the article. I guess it wasn't too far off. I still loved Big Sam in the purple and gold, though.
There were discussions about lack of pass rush, you are correct, also plenty of discussion about LSU playing down to competition, also discussions about Sam and Keke not having the year they had in 2011, but I challenge anyone to provide a link that shows where anyone said Sam Montgomery takes plays off and doesn't play as hard against crappy teams. As far as Badger, it's just fun pointing out how shitty he was treated by the LSU fanbase, and how hypocritical everyone is.
And rightfully so. It's like two people going in front of a judge for DWI. If it's the first time for one and the third for another, I wouldn't expect the judge to hand down the same ruling. Point being, something viewed in isolation may be perceived differently had Sam had other issues as well.