1. To the die hards still here (swidt) much respect! Been here a long time and I'm aware it isn't what it once was. @KyleK is tough to nail down now that he is retired and I don't blame him.

    Anyway, I hope you and all of your families have a very Merry Christmas! Stay the course, pray and know that brighter days are ahead!
  2. Merry Christmas all.
  3. Merry Christmas!
  4. Merry Christmas to all. Hoping Santa brings us a few Nattys in 2025.
  5. Be careful what you wish for. IMG_4148.jpeg
    shane0911 and furduknfish like this.
  6. Merry Christmas, Devil Dog!! I hope you and your family had an awesome Christmas.
    shane0911 likes this.
  7. A late Merry Christmas to everyone. Alright @shane0911 you've raised the debate and I'll run with it. I get how people like to consider "Die Hard" a Christmas move and I don't dispute it. But I've always thought "Lethal Weapon" is even more of a Christmas movie. The real "Christmas" theme to "DH" is the fact that the action takes place at a Christmas party and of course, McClain probably isn't there if the party isn't happening. But it didn't have to be Christmas party, they could have made it a grand opening for the company, a retirement party for the boss, a promotion celebration for Holly, a lot of options that don't have to be Christmas. OTOH, a major plot point of "LW" is Riggs' suicidal depression. The fact that the movie takes place during Christmas season drives the point even further, as it escalates Riggs' depression over the thought of facing the holiday without his wife, even to the point of seeing him put a gun in his mouth while he watches a Christmas TV show. This makes Christmas a vital point of "Lethal Weapon." I've thought about this too much.
    Hou-duco and shane0911 like this.
  8. Hey man, two things can be true at the same time!