1. This is a good example of the republicans trying to play politics instead of finding common ground. Listen to me . . . Planned Parenthood has not used federal funding for abortions in decades. This has nothing to do with tax-funded abortions. Nothing! It is a rider that simply gets rid of Planned Parenthood altogether. It is a poison rider that will cause the Democrats to reject it.

    Abortion is a long-term, ongoing dispute in this country that is split 50-50 in public opinion. There is not going to be any compromise on it now, just because the GOP wants to stick it in the bill. The Democrats are agreeing to $35 billion in cuts here, that a big concession already. The Republicans are just trying to derail the budget. But they are clumsy and transparent and it will hurt them in public opinion. They will be blamed for the shutdown because of crap like this.

    They already agree on a number and instead of finding the abundant common ground to cut the money, the GOP adds riders to prevent the EPA from doing its job and to un-fund Public Radio. Another two items that there is no consensus for, major disagreements about for many years, and sure to stick in the democrats craw. They aren't being honest about this at all and it shows. They want the government to shut down.

    The democrats failed right off the bat by not signing a budget bill before the election when they controlled both houses. They didn't want to annoy voters on either side of any issue before the elections but it didn't keep them from losing seats anyway and led us to this partisan impasse.
  2. everything i have read says they dont want federal dollars used for abortions. so if there are, compromise on the left to agree. (if they arent, then it is moot.) but the right has to also compromise and agree to fund family planning.

    if there arent federal funds being used for abortions, then the left needs to up the ante and find more areas to cut and make the concession of larger cuts by finding another area to cut, with the right conceding and allowing funding of planned parenthood.

    and for the record, i am all for preventing unwanted pregnancies! keeping unwanted pregnancies from happening is a lot cheaper in the long run. federal funding of planned parenthood for that service makes fiscal sense.
  3. If you look at this beyond the spin everything you are saying falls apart. Planned Parenthood receives funding from the government, through donations, and other funding. If they did not receive the federal funding to pay for X, Y, and Z they would have to use their non federal funds to pay for all their operations, and less money would be available to subsidize or pay for abortions. The effect of receipt of any federal funds means more dollars are available for abortions. Only a fund accounting shell game seperates policy from the reality that funding Planned Parenthood is funding abortion.

    Then it is the Demos job to propose alternative cuts, not to whine about what is being cut. That FACT is we cannot afford to fund alot of the things we fund. If they don't like what the Repubs are cutting, come with a solution.

    Both these parties are transparent and weak. Both are dishonest. I don't care what they cut, even if it effects me. I just want them to slash, slash, slash. I am saying this with my job on the line.
  4. Federal Law prohibits Federal funding of abortion. Any abortion that is associated with Planned Parenthood is funded through private donations. Its a stall tactic for the GOP and has been for a long time.
  5. There is a lot of disinformation out there. The democrats don't have to agree, federal funding for abortions ended over 20 years ago. The Tea Baggers make a lot of noise about cutting debt, but when it comes down to it, they are pushing a right-wing social agenda here. They don't approve of family planning.
  6. Exactly. Having already not allocated any funding for abortions for many years, cutting funds to planned parenthood amounts to cutting funds for contraception and education which is a right-wing social agenda. Got nothing to do with agreeing on a budget.

    They have! And the republicans won't agree to them. What about impasse don't you understand.

    I want them to crash and burn so that perhaps some moderate third parties will emerge.
  7. I asked this in another thread. If any woman can go get a pill at the pharmacy and terminate a pregnancy then why is abortions necessary?
  8. Hard-core anti-abortion advocates consider that pill to be abortion.
  9. See there is the compromise. Why have the fight over abortion? If a woman finds out she's pregnant she can take the pill and that's that. I only have problems with abortions that are months into it. Especially if the woman finds out the child is going to be special needs. My boy is perfect , cerebral palsey and all. No child should be killed a month from being born because they're not perfect enough.
    The wife and I looked into adopting and the hassel was too much. People would adopt more if it was easier. Upper middle class income with land and a brick home and no arrest record at all and it would take years for approval. Why is it so hard when a married couple that can't have any more kids wants to adopt?