1. I know. I saw a lot of them on Lockup.
  2. Lasalle , youre crusin for the brusin again. You going to get the flabengal beat down. Watch your step
  3. Not talking about the street level drug dealer and wanna be growers. I'm talking about the guys living over seas who do this for a living, and making fortunes.
  4. Excellent career move for you and LaSalle.
    1 person likes this.
  5. Absolutely... I'll be sure to spend a little of my fortune to put you in a less than decent care facility, with only msnbc to watch. How that be?
  6. Studies show that if you puff marijuana even just once, your babies will be born with flippers.
  7. Old wives tale. The truth is that if you smoke marijuana even once, your children will be born naked.
  8. Carl Sagan
  9. My grower's indoor site, produces a crop (from clone starter, until harvest) every 55-57 days.
  10. 10 days ago I picked up a 4 oz bag of very finely manicured bud which looked very similar to LaSalles' pic. I've recently received an email from the grower's association advertising that a grower had similar "reimbursable meds" available for 5 dollars a gram.