1. The first post in this thread is confusing.
  2. I'm confused on how Congress can accuse anyone of lying
  3. I'm surprised they even call it that anymore. I'd have thought by now there would be some PC term for it like, "giving an alternate truth" or something like that. After all, being called a liar is so offensive... We wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings by calling them out for not telling the truth. ;)

    Which leads to the question... If you lie under oath, can you claim you were just exercising your right to free speech and not have to worry about punishment?
  4. If you are a member of congress, yes, and the PC term is

  5. Hah.. I knew it.. Thanks.. lol

    Nice avatar by the way... One of my favorite movies of all time.
  6. Thanks, mine too. A little non PC humor aimed at everybody can't go wrong:)
  7. Yeah, them was the good ol' days when people had a sense of humor. You couldn't get away with making that movie now days.

  8. I've often wondered what would happen if it came to pass. Probably be banned at all movie theaters and be talking points for Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Oprah, and maybe even a beer summit with old Barry
  9. [​IMG]
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