1. Oh how the mighty hath fallen. This is going to have all the luster of a Vandy vs Kentucky game from the early 2000's.
    HalloweenRun and Tiger in TX like this.
  2. he actually wasnt injured. the coach pulled him and decided to throw the ball. while also giving the younger rb reps. he was trying to prove a point and it cost him a win. gordon played the next week and ran 17 times.
  3. Kentucky beat S Carolina 45-38 seems no one has a defense in the SEC anymore ,
  4. LOL , wow , but that is a good excuse for getting married

    I may change the times that I restring my guitars , . Most of the time now I change every 4 weeks . It may start happening on sat. every sat. for a few months
  5. Been playin' lotsa blues?
  6. me too, except it was the OM game only on PPV

    guess what i just found out---the LSU Auburn game in 99 was also 41-7. bad omen.
  7. LSU will always be in a bowl. its called the Perry bowl. i dont remember the origin, but those players in the 90s got used to the Perry bowl.
  8. didnt pull him. he platooned 2 RBs all game. Gordon even played the last series.
  9. He benched him due to an altercation at half.
  10. Hadn't heard that one. Any idea over what? They were pretty much running at will.