LSU-Tulane Game

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by DDTigerFan, Apr 28, 2003.

  1. DDTigerFan

    DDTigerFan Back from the Dead

    Who will be going to the LSU-Tulane baseball game tomorrow? Whats your prediction on the outcome and how many do you think will be in attendance? I'll be there with 3 of my boys and we will be in Sec. 144. I'm taking LSU to win 9-4 and I honestly have no clue about attendance. Dandy Don said over 30,000.

    Geaux Tigers!
  2. DeathValley

    DeathValley Founding Member

    I wish it was not on Tuesday. I want to go badly but feel it would be too hard to drive to NO and back. Plus my last class ends at 4:30
  3. BayouBengal

    BayouBengal Founding Member

    I would go but I have a class at 630 and it is the last class before the final exam and we have to turn in a project. I missed last year Superdome Game too:(
  4. DeathValley

    DeathValley Founding Member

    Well at least the game will be on tv. Channel 10 in BR
  5. JoeReckless

    JoeReckless Founding Member

    I really hate losing to Tulane. I think I will be sick.
  6. TennesseeTiger

    TennesseeTiger Founding Member

    Someone needs to tell Smoke that it's not acceptable to throw away midweek games to in-state schools.
  7. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Tulane has so little to cheer about. Let them have their (Tues) day. In the end it's the conference and post season that count. When the Tigers are leaping on the dog pile at Rosenblatt, no one will remember that the weenies played their best game of the season in the middle of the week.
  8. Hub

    Hub Founding Member

    There has to be some level of concern since lost 2 of 3 to the weenies when it is a possibility they will be coming to BR for regional play.
  9. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    You're right. Kaplan, Aubrey, Charron et. al. have always given us trouble.
  10. Bestbank Tiger

    Bestbank Tiger Founding Member


    FIRE SMOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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