1. Things are kind of slow right now on the board as well as at work so I thought I would give everyone something to think about. Who do you think our biggest rival is? I know in the old days Ole Miss was the game and I believe we had a rival in Tulane as well. But for the fact that Ole Miss beat us this year I don't really consider it a rivalry. I use to love playing Texas A&M but we haven't played them in so long. I know they are trying to make Arkansas game a rivalry but it never seems to have that "hate" that you need. I guess Auburn has that hate but they have the Iron Bowl and Florida has FSU. Maybe I'm wrong about Auburn being that I have lived away for a few years now. Let's hear your thoughts!
  2. Come to think of it I loved it when we played FSU there for a few years. I know we didn't win but the fights were great. As far as La Tech is concerned I can't see them even thinking about giving us a run for our money. I have never hated them becaus eI never even think of them. I am looking forward to blowing ULaLa out this year. I get tired of my in-laws trying to convince me that they are a real school with a real program.
  3. careful with LaTech

    I think its pretty bold that you are going to play LaTech for a while. LSU will always have a huge edge in recruiting in Louisiana, but a bunch of the La Tech kids will be players who were either not recruited or not pleased with prospective playing time at LSU. While I don't doubt that LSU will have more talent. There will be a TON of motivation for them to play you and it could turn into their biggest game each year. Meanwhile LSU will have to deal with their SEC schedule and VaTech . . . and it could be easy to overlook. LaTech has beaten bama twice in the last 5 years . . .. .(sorry, had to throw that in) - it would be the equivalent of Auburn or Alabama playing UAB every year - except La Tech's much better than UAB.
  4. Probably does have a little to do with the inferiority complex . .i see it w/some on the Auburn boards. A bammer will post something relatively good natured and BAM! someone is all over them . . .not how it should be . .

    I would love to see LaTech join the SEC . ..
  5. We will only play La Tech once every 4 years. I don't think that is often enough to start a real rivalry.

    We will be playing one in-state out-of-conference game each year. The opponents will rotate between Tulane, La Tech, ULL (Ooh La La) and UL Monroe (formerly Northeastern State).
  6. For geographic reasons and otherwise, i know Ole Siss was your rival but i always thought Alabama was the real rival. It seems we always won down there despite the noise and LSU won a few in 'Bama as well. Next to AU, the LSU game was up there with UT: always a tough game, great fan support, and nationally ranked teams until the late 80's-early 90's. These 2 will be in contention for a while i believe. N'est pas?
  7. As a Gator I have no hatred for LSU, in fact, I looooooved the SEC Champ. game!!!! Having said that, LSU is definitely a game I look to as a game we better show up for or we'll catch a beat down.

    UF-LSU being a permanent rivalry game in scheduling could be interesting when (though i prefer "if") you guys start winning a few. ;)
  8. rivals

    I think Auburn is our rival as of late, not because of the team but because of Tubbyville.
  9. Aubrun Is the Best Rival for LSU

    LSU vs Auburn has it all for a Great Rival. IT has Hate, it has Me and it Has Chucky Cheese What else do you need. Ask any Auburn Fan who they Hate the most I bet it is 50 50 Bama and LSU.

    I think LSU could have a good rival with Texas or Texas A&M but since we are not in the Same Conference it is just not going to hit the level of Auburn and LSU is at and is going to. Ark does not compete enough with LSU for the SEC WEST if you look back at resent history it is always centered around the LSU vs Auburn Game I wish we would play them all the time at the end of the season.

    Chucky La Tech has only beaten Teams in Bama not Louisiana Big Boys La Tech what a joke in the SEC is that what you said. I bet you want UAB in the SEC also ( yeah yeah I know what they did ) Hey Chucky lets put Central Fla in the SEC EAST. Arkansas Fans What do yall Think About putting Ark St in the SEC, Middle Tenn St did you say Chucky in the SEC EAST. Hey Chucky worry about beating La Tech when you play them Dont act like they are Some Great Football team worthy of the SEC.

    Chucky Cheese Did you see that Humanitarian Bowl

  10. ASBD!! Auburn shall be destroyed!

    Auburn is our rival and the team that I love to hate.