LSU Construction Photos

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by j0nathanr0y, Aug 10, 2005.

  1. j0nathanr0y

    j0nathanr0y Founding Member

    Since LSU is a little slow in posting pictures for some impatient people. I decided to add my own artistic drawings of what most I see as I pass the stadium by everyday....

  2. Tygrr

    Tygrr Win the West

    Wow, they're really moving along!

    That is one long windshield wiper on that bus though, simply amazing!
  3. LSUGeauxTigers1

    LSUGeauxTigers1 Founding Member

    Hmm....seems strangely similar to another thread we had here a while ago.........
  4. Fish19

    Fish19 Founding Member

    Very insightful. I must say it looks like they're comming along nicely.
  5. j0nathanr0y

    j0nathanr0y Founding Member

    Yeah, I was part of that beautiful thread......It's where I drew my inspiration from.
  6. tygertail

    tygertail Founding Member

    you forgot to draw a tiger in the picture. still, it is a masterpiece.
  7. j0nathanr0y

    j0nathanr0y Founding Member

    I haven't seen Mike's new cage or the new football operations building......anyone care to share your work?
  8. JVincent25

    JVincent25 Founding Member

    The tree!
  9. Contained Chaos

    Contained Chaos Don't we all?

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  10. LSUGeauxTigers1

    LSUGeauxTigers1 Founding Member

    The tree was a must...had to have a tree....even it was..oddly..on the playing surface of Tiger Stadium... :rofl:

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