A typical response, coming from you...Someone calls you on your perpetual saccharine covered gloss over of LSU Basketball, and your refusal to admit the problem, and you get an 8 word response that has nothing to do with the subject. Wow...What a great avenue TigerForums has become when one of the most respected posters-who allegedly has a perfect reputation-can't logically defend his own suppositions and resorts to constant cynicism and outright blissful ignorance in order to "not have to admit he's wrong". You are everything that's wrong with Tiger Basketball, and you should be proud every time that sorry excuse for a husband and a joke of a coach takes the court with his band of thugs.
Originally Posted by TigerEducated So nice to be reminded how much of a pompus arse you are with your personal attacks and long winded thesarus laced comments.
It'd be cheaper, with a longer upside, if we'd just jetison the Brown Suit if he goes 8-8 in the league again.
Yeah, these two going at it about LSU Basketball is pretty stale. I'd rather TE or smokeu argue with Ramah, and a Sabanfan fight with OVD or something, that's amusing. This is not, girls get a room.
http://www.fibaamericas.com/noticiasread4.asp?r=JWNNJMJGNY&t=PHCLYUFIPT If anyone's interested in Davis and the state of US basketball on the world stage.
It's quite easy to argue the part that your idiocy and never ending zeal to ignore points that would show you in the wrong prevents most from having logical discussions with you on the subject... On the other hand, it's always been difficult for you to argue my points regarding LSU Basketball, simply because if you were ever to even acknowledge them, you'd have to at the same time acknowledge I'm correct about them. This wouldn't compute in that "rusty cage" of yours.
it is okay to be average, but not okay to be satisfied with that... and some tiger fans seem to be satisfied with that... big problem...