1. While I'm at it, I should ask him about that atrocious "Welcome to the Now" ad campaign from a few years back.
  2. And why did they pay a firm in NEW YORK $65K to come up with Toonces, rather than let...oh, I don't know...an LSU art major or a Louisiana company take a try at it? :(
    Attack Tiger and Richdog like this.
  3. I like to blame that one on the Benjy Davis Project.
  4. No guarantee of quality or good judgement. LSU has changed the academic logo twice recently. Each change has gotten worse.

    From this . . . [​IMG]

    To this . . . [​IMG]

    And currently this POS . . . [​IMG]

    I'm glad that I still have about 1,000 cards with the original logo.
    lsu-i-like likes this.
  5. Judging by Toonces I'm rather surprised that it wasn't a firm in Alabama.
    stevescookin likes this.
  6. [​IMG]
    I agree with Tigerleg. This is the best.
    northernvatiger likes this.
  7. Anybody ever notice the roaring tiger has crazy eyes?

    KyleK likes this.
  8. Dayum, those arms are short!
  9. Logos are usually done poorly. I hate it, but it's the nature of the beast. On car tags, it's especially atrocious. Maybe the bent metal just isn't much of a canvass. So, while the pachyderm is a rare mascot, it just doesn't translate to a fierce, visual splendor. I go with the scripted A and leave all images to the air brush, T-shirt crowd.
  10. Does the scripted A go to the left or right of the giant #13 on your truck/back?
    Attack Tiger likes this.