The vast majority of my friends here have been GREAT. But let us be totally honest....OM is dead. They cannot overcome the past. When I was younger, OM and LSU were both in the top ten to start every year. We could battle the Tigers each year. Vaught stated that he would rather play LSU at home because of the bigger payday. We were that equal. Never again. OM can not overcome the past. We lost "Dixie", the flag, and Col Reb. That does not set well with a lot of rebs. All of the current rebs, and their parents, were not even born..the black players could care less. Mississippi has State and Southern Miss to recruit against. Not to mention the SWAC schools....and like it or not, some A/A kids would rather go to a SWAC team than an SEC team..they probably know that either they can't cut it or can't make the grades. As we stand now, this is my viewpoint. What proven coach wants to come to OM? If he is old enough, he may sign for about three million a year and not really give a damn. "I'll try hard for the first couple years. me out." If I am a young and promising asst. I want that kind of failure on my future resume? (make me a multi-millionaire and I'll just get the hell out of the game.) In my opinion, the money that is split among all SEC universities and big time donations for OM, is all that keeps us from being the next Tulane.................****....did I just say that?
The Ole Miss fans I know (customers of mine) blame their bad season on Houston Nutt as coach, the loss of colonel reb, and political correctness... Fact is that team just laid down this year and flat out quit. Ole Miss can come back, but they are a coaches graveyard because they never will accept good coaches as long as they don't fit the Ole Miss "image". Why they hired Orgeron in the first place is beyond my comprehension. A strong Ole Miss is good for LSU and the SEC !!!
I'm sorry for your loss Reb, but also hope you are wrong and OM once again becomes a great rival for our Tigers.
Much of ole miss' problems are internal. The people that fought to get rid of col reb are the same ones that really only want to make ole miss really a larger version of a swac school. They will be the same ones that insist on a black coach. There isn't anything wrong with a black coach. What is wrong is the people that insist on one are the ones that keep the race crap in the forefront. It's the political correctness crap that takes the center stage instead of letting it be just football. Political correctness and race baiting hurts the football program. Having all that in the forefront takes away from building the program. Louisiana has much of the same history as the state of Mississippi. We don't give a chit about pc and race crap. We just want to win football games. All the racial political crap has helped divert attention away from winning. Until those school officials that intrude into ole miss' football program are removed, ole miss football is dead.
Why in hell would the black players respect the Dixie flag? Isn’t it the same flag that the KKK waves around? I feel sorry for you’re backwards ass state. Good luck ever going to a bowl game? Big corporations shy away from anything associated with the Klan. Your best bet is to denounce your loyalty to OM and become a full fledge tiger fan! I dig your honesty and wish you good luck!!! Go REBS!!!
Col Reb, the OM banner is not yours to relinquish! I know of no other OM fans that are willing to do that. Nor should you. Keep your colors and support your team. I am proud to call the University of Mississippi a member of the SEC.
I agree that a strong ole miss is good for the sec and good for the state of Mississippi. With all the things Mississippi has to face , ole miss football gives the people of the state of mississippi something to rally around. It's not for white people or black people but for all the people. It gives you something to be proud of. Ole miss must rise above this. Mississippi state is trying to. Ole miss will rebound. Good luck col. Reb. Good luck.
College football, like many things is cyclical. It may take a while but things will turn around for you guys. Have faith buddy, because hope is better than expectation for real fans.