Kirk herbstreit just said that west virginia would beat lsu on a neutral field if they played today. he also said they are more deserrving to go to bcs than lsu because west virginia will travel more and sell more tickets..He is a total idiot.
west va over LSU??? herbstreit just said he'd take the neers overthe tigers for a bcs bid. i'm feeling a little sick. corso tried to refute but his insanity got in the way.
Gameday Herbstriet just asked Corso who would win on a neutral field between LSU and WV. Corso immediatly said LSU and Herb said WV.:nope: They were debating who should go to the Orange Bowl.
west va does travel well but so do we. i can't believe he thinks more people would turn on their tv's for a wvu game than an LSU game. he sucks and swallows. i hate him.
Re: Gameday I believe the LSU defense can stop their spread offense, and the LSU offense can cream them.:thumb:
Re: Gameday Where's a Dick when you need him? er, at quarterback, I mean....(clears throat) Speaking of dicks, did you hear what Herbie the Lovebug just said?
He states that his "sources" indicate they would bring 35000 fans, i.e. WV and the Big East paid him to say that and start promoting them. Why doesn't LSU and the SEC do these types of things?
I believe it. Send out a hitman for this dude. Take him out right there on the gameday set just as he utters WVU's name again. Why in the hell are you researching such information? That is not your job to do. Make your analysis but STFU about anything you might think regarding who's a better drawing card. Plus his information is wrong.