1. even though jamarcus is very inconsistant i still like him as lsu's qb. He is maturing as a qb every game and he has such talent and potential.
    what do yall think?:helmet:
  2. Re: J MAR

    He has all of the potential in the world. He just needs to stop making bone head mistakes. Overall, I love the guy. That pass to Bowe last Sat. was perfection.
  3. Re: J MAR

    I only saw one boneheaded play in the game vs. Florida. The man is a stud and a good qb who will be great.
  4. Re: J MAR

    It's just little stuff, really not enough to female dog about. I am truly impressed by his growth so far this season, and very excited about having him around at least another year. Just watch the play clock JR. :thumb:
  5. Re: J MAR

    I, for one am very frustrated regarding Jamarcuss... I've had high hopes for him from the get-go, and still do. This adds to the frustration of what I see with my own eyes at the games and on the tube. I mean, the dude's got a howitzer mounted on his shoulder, and is getting better at aiming it but in the process he's doing alot of "colateral damage" so to speak, if you'll excuse the analogy....Not only does he have this arm, he's got people to throw to... a whole bunch of em (which have also made a few miscues too). Which makes me even more frustrated.

    I gotta give it to him though, he is showing the determination that it takes to be a great one. He doesn't give up when he makes mistakes, he just keeps with the gameplan and usually makes up for it somehow. Seems I remember that about Matt Mauck.. He had his turnover games too, just not as many... but he never got down in the dumps when it happened... he shook it off and continued to contribute to the team...

    Maybe he's a "late bloomer" or whatever, who knows... Right now though, he is still growing as a college QB and could easily overshadow the mistakes he's made thus far with good stats. I just hope it happens soon.. can't wait forever on these things (See: Justin Vincent).
  6. Re: J MAR

    I think he will be great.
  7. Re: J MAR

    :lol: :lol: :lol:
  8. Re: J MAR

    #4 is the man. I like my qb able to throw 75 yards. I think the last one was Bert Jones.
  9. Re: J MAR

    Don't know if Roh could throw it that far but he could chunk it a long way.
  10. Re: J MAR

    i think "J MAR" sounds like some two-bit convienent store where you can get pickled quail eggs right at the counter.

    jr is making progress. i hope he makes much more.