1. [​IMG]
  2. What If she actually put her mojo on us, not just threw it in our direction. Any chic whose tag is "football turns me on" has to have some kickass mojo
    KyleK and ParadiseiNC like this.
  3. As long as it comes in pairs.
  4. I believe the "mojo" to which he is referring is a purple bra that was "supposed" to bring good luck last football season. I discarded the piece of crap after the Alabama game that broke my spirit for well over a week.

    But if you want me to put that mojo on you...well...:D
  5. Since this "subject" seems to be of interest to SEVERAL of us, is there any chance you could just make this a "class"?:p
  6. Damn deliemma. What I want vs what I can't have
  7. You are Fonzi because you always want to fight and I associate that with stupidity. Especially when it's because I think Hill should go ( what an insane idea!) and that LSU is my school.

    Seriously, posters that try to bully others have serious psychological problems and drag down the quality of TF. You should try to change.
  8. So I attack your main point and you come back with " but I had other points too"?

    I don't need to see into hill's mind to watch a 20 sec video. I can envision very few scenarios to justify what he did. And I have a lower threshold than reasonable doubt, because I'm not putting him in jail. I think clm should hold the same view.
  9. Take the time to read my first post on it sport.
  10. I have never seen fonzi fight anyone ever.

    I'm not trying to bully you. I don't like you and kicking your ass is on my bucket list. Keep fucking with me and give me cause to move you up on the priority list. Seriously, if you had any sense at all you would move on. I'm not very stable