1. Probation is never "minor". It is serious legal trouble. He did not take it seriously.

    First strikes get people suspended under Les.

    As far as it having ZERO to do with LSU . . . note that he was wearing an LSU jersey and is a representative of the university on scholarship. The victim was another LSU student.

    8.2. Non-Academic Misconduct
    A. On or off-campus behavior - To protect the University's educational purposes and the University community, a Student may be formally charged with a violation of this Code and be subject to the sanctions herein for acts or omissions that occur on or off-campus when, as a result of conduct, the Student is:
    1. Convicted of a felony in a state or federal court;
    2. Formally charged by civil authorities with the commission
      of a crime of such nature that the student's continued presence at the University potentially threatens the property, health, safety, or well being of members of the University community;
    3. Believed by the Dean or designee to have committed a crime of such nature that his or her continued presence at the University potentially threatens the property, health, safety, or well being of the University community, but civil authorities have not brought charges or imposed penalties;
    4. The subject of an agency arrest, including being charged with a misdemeanor offense;
    5. Believed by the Dean or designee to have committed any act of violence that, by its very nature, indicates the individual might present a threat to the security and safety of the University community;
    6. Believed by the Dean or designee to have committed any acts of violence or harassment, perpetrated by a student upon one or more other members of the University community. Physical abuse (including threats of) stalking, sexual assault, dangerous conduct, and hazing are all considered to be acts of violence;
    7. Found to have committed acts which by their very nature are detrimental to the educational mission of the University;
    8. Drug violations that occur off campus;
    9. Charged by civil authorities with Driving Under the Influence or Driving
    While Intoxicated off campus.
    B. MisconductOffenses–AStudentmaybechargedwithmisconductforanyofthe following offenses on or off campus. A Student may be charged with:
    1. Alcohol related infractions: Including, but not limited to:
      1. Unlawful or unauthorized possession, use, distribution, delivery, sale,
        or consumption of any alcoholic beverage on Campus or at a
        University activity or event;
      2. Possession of an open container of alcohol, outside of approved sites
        or events, as defined in the University Policy Statements;
      3. Public intoxication/drunk in public;
    ParadiseiNC likes this.

  2. Again with the handbook...
  3. You can post whatever the hell you want. Even the judge let hill off easy. Why? B/C is not a BIG fucking deal and it never will be. He hit him once. He didn't step on his head, he didn't piss down his throat and he didn't do a line of coke off the trunk of the car.




  4. This was the pre-weed days. See alcohol was the gateway.
  5. Hey, there's a reason I was an English major: math isn't my forte.

    I didn't forget UNC. It's mentioned that was a Chick-Fil-A game which says it wasn't a home game—as in in BR. Agreed on Oregon...forgot that wasn't played in BR.

    You bring up a good question with the impact of the SECN.
  6. I don't know what he was high fiving for. he sucker punched a guy and didn't even knock him down.
  7. Why did everybody on camera act like they all agreed the guy who got hit was a total douche?
  8. "You can post whatever the hell you want. Even the judge let hill off easy. Why? B/C is not a BIG fucking deal and it never will be. He hit him once. He didn't step on his head, he didn't piss down his throat and he didn't do a line of coke off the trunk of the car."

    "I've been showing the Hill punch video to.people all night, and everybody is.like so what?"

    These comments are microcosms of where our societal expectations are these days.

    We are also in an electronic society where everything is filmed/taped, etc, and a society that overanalyzes, but he still got himself into these predicaments and it needs to be dealt with. CLM has been good at making these decisions in the past. He's suspended for short term, long term, and even dismissed star players. I trust he will take all into account and make the right decision that represents LSU in the best light. If it's 3 games, as some are hinting, then it will be b/c he looked at as just a bar fight and recognize the legal probation ongoing and that CLM just feels Hill needs to learn his lesson. If it's more than that, and I wouldn't be surprised, it will be b/c of the prior issue and the video. We'll see.
    1BIGTIGER and Winston1 like this.

  9. It is because it was one punch. No telling what the dude that got hit might of done prior. Maybe he deserved it. You don't know.

    Furthermore, if you can sit there and tell me you have never made a mistake in your life, I will shut up and listen....... You still went to college right? Did you ever mess up? Ever make a bad call? Ever do anything a little stupid?

    The only difference in today's society and 30 years ago is that no one would have called the cops for that fight. B/c back then no one still didn't give a shit.

    I've been jumped before by 3 dudes. I got my ass beat, picked myself up and went on my way..... Why did I get my ass beat? Flirting with the wrong girl.... It was well worth it :p!!!

    Anyway, the people not making it a big deal are most likely those that have experienced these types of events. They have been going on for 50+ years. So chill out.......
  10. Made plenty of mistakes. Then, later, and probably now. What I was really referring to in your original post was the "didn't piss down his throat or do a line of coke" part. Look, I hear you, "it's just a fight", and we've all been a part of that. But, he's a serious athlete in a high collision sport on scholarship who is already on probation, and he sucker punched a dude. It's a bit different. I was just commenting on the comparison part, it's not so bad because......

    When you've seen Lethal Weapon, Terminator, etc, movies have to reach higher heights to be entertaining, and that's what this is like, imo. Kids now see more violence and sex at younger ages, and it just shows in what our societal expectations are.