1. Yes, LSU football is about Jeremy Hill punching people. How silly of me.................
  2. Wrong. First you can't consider UNC in 2010 and Oregon in 2011 as home games.

    Also your memory isn't that good, though you did manage to get 2012 correct.

    You really dropped the ball for the 2011 season. LSU only played six home games that year and the only two night games were against weak OOC schools. So 7 of 8 in 2012 plus 2 of 6 in 2011 leaves us at 9 of 14.

    Your count is correct for 2010, but you forgot Mississippi State and replace them with UNC. The 4 of 7 we agree on added to what we already have leaves us at 13 of 21 home games played at night or 61.9%. Even using your erroneous numbers (16 of 23), I only come up with 69.6%. I don't have a fucking clue how you came up with 74%.

    Beside all that, if we were to take the OOC games out of the equation and only look at conference games, LSU has only played 4 of their last 12 or 33.3% at night. I can't help but wonder if that when the SEC network gets up to steam if they will force LSU to move some of their OOC games to day games for the benefit of the rest of the conference and the network's schedule.
    TigerTap likes this.
  3. Yes, all is fair in a street fight. Do what you have to do to win the fight. Im sorry though, Im not sucker punching a man unless they did something horrible to my family. If Im gonna fight you I will do what I need to, to win but I wont sucker punch. Its a bitch move. The thing is Hill ran up to him to sucker punch him. Its not like they were arguing face to face. Had the guy pushed Hill to fight thats one thing. If you have to defend yourself then its on. Right or wrong as a student athlete Hill and others have to be above fighting or words.

    I love how so many are defending Hill. Yet each of you would be complaining if this incident happened with a Bama player or when Meyer was at UF.

  4. I love how so many people "assume" we give 2 shits about Bama.
    Herb and TigerTap like this.
  5. Kids fight and do stupid things. It shouldn't cost them their career. I'm sure most of us, if put under the same scrutiny of these student athletes, would have plenty of "fire-able" offenses in our closets.
    Contained Chaos and ParadiseiNC like this.
  6. If banging every coed I came in contact with was a fire able offense, then yes, id be gone. But not because I sucker punched a guy. That video is pretty bad. I don't care what les does with him. We've built our team to be more than individual players.
  7. If you were on probation for a sexual crime and lucky to have a scholarship and then decided to commit a violent crime, it would be far beyond "stupid". It would be irresponsible and reckless and many a man has ruined his career in this fashion.
    Attack Tiger likes this.
  8. It shouldn't matter what Hill did before he got to LSU.

    Miles has given every player he has recruited at the very least, two chances. I expect Hill to get the same.

  9. The video that has gone viral is problematic for Hill. It has a lot of LSU fans wanting to cut bait. Les could give a third chance, but the visual of Hill high-fiving a sucker punch is hard to digest and even harder to forget.
  10. What about "probation" do you not understand? School has nothing to do with it.