That was Crow's weakness. He had no concept of building on strengths and putting people in position to make plays. Hopefully Stud & Krag will build on JL's strengths and put him in position to make good plays while avoiding putting him in no win situation. Give him passes he can complete easily with little risk. Then build on the success with plays that work of previous calls. With that we will have a solid offense and a great chance to win Sept 3 & every other game. :geaux:
If or when he does throw that pick 6, and if it's in Tiger Stadium, I don't know if I would want to be there.
And that's the horribly unfair truth of it. It could be off the receiver's hands and through the entire LSU offense and it would somehow still be HIS fault.
His stats tonight to me were a bit misleading. Instead of 98 yards, he would have easily had about 150 had (at least 3) receivers not dropped perfectly thrown passes in the first half. Nonetheless, he did exactly what he needed to do, which was manage the game rather than trying to win it himself. Nonetheless, I'm proud of my team and it was a great win. Grats Tigers!!
He played well enough for LSU to win. I won't judge him based on his stat line as long as we keep winning. Great TEAM win, Lee included.