1. sometimes i think its important that journalists are free to text without govt snoopin
  2. I'm surprised a couple of our more liberal posters haven't replied.
  3. I'm sure they do all the time. But if they want to be absolutely sure the communication is never made public - they keep it verbal. Because there are only two kinds of electronic communication; those that have been published and those that will be published.
  4. the issue isnt whether they can or will be snooped on, its whether they should be. i think they should be left alone and the stasi should put the jackboots back in the closet, and take a nap instead of violating the privacy of our journalists.

    journalists being free and having privacy rights is one of the foundation of our country.
  5. Actually the did. Also Meadows handed it over. It’s more akin to a letter. If you mail a letter to someone you’ve lost control over what happens to it. Meadows correspondence was subpoenaed by the committee. It was in Meadows hands so to speak and was his to submit to the committee. The Foxes should have been more careful…..but they aren’t the sharpest knives in the drawer
    kluke likes this.
  6. As I pointed out just now, email and texts are more like letters or other written correspondence than phone calls. They lost possession and control when they hit send. Like any document if the person in possession (Meadows) has it and his correspondence is subpoenaed he has to turn it over. The Foxes exposed themselves
  7. Compared to CNN & MSNBC they are all Einstein's.
  8. seems like they should redact the identities of the media. i dunno how we all decided privacy was bullshit all of a sudden.

    also none of these subpoenas seem very justified as there is nothing to investigate and only a minor crimes (trespassing etc) to charge. this is all partisan nonsense
    LSUpride123 likes this.
  9. The letter is a good analogy Winston. Well stated. Once he hit send the text was no longer his - it was Marks to do with as he wished.
  10. That's not how it works. Courts have already decided that if my GF sent me nudes I cant upload them to the internet. I would be liable.

    There is legal precedent that a person has an expectation of privacy.