1. i tried to get these guys to acknowledge the matter of degree, that one retard with a nerf gun is less significant than 400 million man army, but they are unwilling to acknowledge any of that and simply suggest that this insurrection was terrible and almost overthrew us.
    BornOnTheBayou and LSUpride123 like this.
  2. I tend to think racism is not a political belief based thing. To me its more of an emotional belief based on a persons life experiences than demographics. So I would say that given any large population segment - say 5MM+ as a number - that the % of 'racists' would be somewhat the same relative to similar experiences. By population segment I'm referring to Republicans, Democrats, Whites, Blacks, Hispanic, urbanites, suburbanites, and anti-vaccers - - JUST KIDDING :).

    A problem with making racism a measuring stick for judgement is that there is no agreement on what it is - and the definition is a constantly moving target. Its very much like the definition of pornography - I can't define it but I know it when I see it. The people who use it as a weapon like the definition nebulous so they can play it like a wild card and toss accusations of racism around like Frisbees. When I see that I usually judge the accuser to be worse than the accused.

    I don't know if that answers you question but it's how I feel.
    Winston1 likes this.
  3. Liz Chaney said?
    tumblr_inline_mnebhxoBhr1qz4rgp.gif tumblr_inline_mnebhxoBhr1qz4rgp.gif tumblr_inline_mnebhxoBhr1qz4rgp.gif tumblr_inline_mnebhxoBhr1qz4rgp.gif
  4. it doesnt. you guys tend to keep your estimates of how many of your political opponents are racist a secret.

    i was told repeatedly that trump and his followers are racist, and that for example his border policies are racist, his racism enabled white supremacists to becomes the most dangerous force in modern america, etc.

    but nobody seems willing to estimate what percentage of trumps folowers are racist. given that something near half of the voters vote for him i think it would be nice to know.

    this is a jan 6 thread. i was told the "insurgency" was white supremacist. i dont think i agree with that.
  5. Like most non violent crimes we usually find out a rule has been broken inadvertently or by stupidity. How many speeders get caught speeding on I-10 relative to the number that speed? Nobody really gives a shit if your going 5 miles over the limit. How about speeders in a neighborhood school zone? Your much more likely to get busted going 5 miles over in a school zone because the potential for harm is so much higher.
    In this instance Hannity is doing 76 in a 75 on I-10.
  6. and that justifies spying on him? reading his private texts to the world?
  7. You know I have to say . . . the way you say this makes you sound just like . . . .

  8. Nobody spied on him. His communications got picked up in an investigation.
  9. did they have a search warrant?
  10. Don't know don't care. Feel free to look it up. If I had to guess I'd say it was included in the documents Mark handed over to the committee. But I don't know if they were voluntarily or via subpoena