1. Self declared and supported by the power of the executive branch.
  2. Stop it, you're sounding silly. Your know very well these weren't people on a Capitol tour that decided to just stop and stand in the rotunda. They broke down barricades and threw shit through windows to force their way in. Are you really trying to say they tried to break down the doors to the chambers to stand and observe the process? You're smarter than that.

    It's clear there were three types of people that day. The people out on the lawn, which was the vast majority, were demonstrators protesting in the good American way. The people that broke windows and damaged the capitol were rioters protesting in the bad American way. The ones that tried to break into the chambers and forced the Congress to evacuate to safety had a goal of interrupting the transition of government. They weren't trying to muddy the water they were trying to stop the flow. Which they were successful in doing, but only for a matter of hours. Is it that you can't see that, or you don't want to admit it happened?
    seabrookcajun and Winston1 like this.
  3. Quit putting up red herrings Martin.
  4. So in theory, Biden can self declare himself supreme leader and cancel future elections?
  5. noody said he was automatically safe. his safeness is not automatic but a function of being protected by a securty detail that would happily blow your brains out if you got near him and tried to poke him with your viking helmet.

    again can you describe the scenario whereby he is frightened into doing whatever, and why that whatever would be honored by those who knew he was under duress in the capitol held by some unarmed MAGA clowns who somehow managed to defeat his security detain and withstand all the firepower that would be summoned to bring more firepower than ever seen in the history of rescued people?
  7. He can try. But that's quite a bit different from what trump tried. trump tried to give himself a constitutional argument to enact emergency powers in the midst of a constitutional crisis. Most of the country would have considered his argument bogus, as is the case with most of his bullshit, but that would not have stopped him.
  8. What do you think Jan 6th was?
  9. i am saying they can capture the chambers for the next decade and it would have no effect on the process. what i a sayin over and over is that we are not playing a game of risk board game where you take some area and control it. thats now how power works. power must be backed by legitimacy and the credible threat of violence.

    you and i dont obey govt edicts because our government has a fancy building they control in washington. its becaause the govt has the power to put in a cage and/or kill is or really anyone on the planet they want to kill. and that power they wield, they dpnt have that power because they control a few rooms in washington.
    LSUpride123 likes this.
  10. Here we go again....what law says that, by the way?

    So if Viking horn had gotten into the House chamber, grabbed the box containing the votes and ran gleefully into the night, the Dems would have just thrown up their hands and let Trump be President again?