1. I don't see why everyone is making such a big deal of this QB situation. Mauck is 7-1 as a starter--playing well and effectively. Randall is getting lots of reps after a year in which he started half the games and got valuable experience. Both are Juniors and have another year, after this one.

    Keep those to Fab Freshman redshirted, learning the system, and being groomed as "heirs to the throne".

    Saban's no idiot. He's keeping the kitchen WELL STOCKED with STUD QB's for the future.

    And if Flynn and Russell are as bright and gifted as they claim to both be, then both should accept a redshirt willingly, knowing they have 4 more years of playing time instead of handing the ball off and be down to just 3 years for no reason.
  2. Thoughts on JR v. MF

    As of today MF is ahead of JR in terms of being able to run the offense. NS does not want to burn MF's redshirt. He will be here longer then JR. I'm sure that when JR progresses to the point that he can run the offense as effectively as MF, then the PT will come. The goal is to redshirt MF.
  3. Why not Redshirt both? Remember Jason Campbell was a top 5 recruit our of HS and we see how "good" he is.
  4. Redshirt

    Saban said that you can play in 2 of the 3 first games and then receive a medical redshirt. Schools do it all the time, they play the guy in the first 2 or 3 games then all of a sudden he has an injury. The NCAA pretty much turns their head on these medical redshirts and lets them slide.
  5. Anyone here anything about The QB from Neville, Lane, that went to Ole Miss? Is he playing or is he redshirting also?
  6. i like the idea of giving Russell some PT and redshirting Flynn...that way, Flynn would be a sophomore when Mauck/Randall leave and Russell will be a junior...if Russell is as good as advertised he will be gone to the NFL; thus leaving Flynn with 2 years to run the offense

    Then, once his 2 years are up, Ryan Perrileaux will have his final 2 years as the LSU starter...sounds like lots and lots of victories
  7. I think people are forgetting that there is a decent chance that Mauck is gone after this year. He wants to go to med school after this year, and I don't think people are considering this. If Mauck goes after this year, then Randall will be the only experienced starter after this year, and Russell and Flynn will be the immediate backups. That's why I think we should play one if Saban knows if Mauck will leave.
  8. Hotdog,

    I find it hard to believe Mauck would give up his last chance, in his life, to play football (be honest he isn't the pro-type, IMO) to go on to med school. Med-school will be their football won't in 18 months.

    Maybe you are right but I find it hard to believe and have never heard the rumor before your post.
  9. Mauk will get a shot in the pros. Scouts love the way that he runs the offense. He's mobile and uses his head.
    As fo Furcal saying that Randell lobs his passes, we certainly are not watching the same games. Aside from Russell, Randell has the strongest arm on the team.
  10. I doubt that Mauck will be drafted but he can certainly get invited as a free agent for a tryout. That would be a very tough situation to make an NFL roster. I don't think that Mauck's running skills translate the the pro level as effectivly as he uses them in colege. He has a decent abiltity to run but nothing like Michael Vick or Donovan McNabb. I may be wrong but I believe that 2004 will be the last year that Mauck plays football at any level. Especially if he wants to go to med school. He will be 25 or 26 by tbe time his LSU career is over so for him to take a gamble on the NFL would probably put him another year behind schedule for med school.