1. This is right, I read the rules on redshirting from the NCAA.net website. Because of the injury clause, injuries tend to pop up this time of year.
  2. I think some of y'all may be thinking of the medical hardship provision which MAY be allowed by the NCAA but certainly is not automatic. Here 'tis:

    14.2.4 Hardship Waiver
    A student-athlete may be granted an additional year of competition by the conference or the Academics/Eligibility/Compliance Cabinet for reasons of "hardship." Hardship is defined as an incapacity resulting from an injury or illness that has occurred under all of the following conditions: (Revised: 8/8/02)

    (a) The incapacitating injury or illness occurs in one of the four seasons of intercollegiate competition at any two-year or four-year collegiate institution or occurs subsequent to the first day of classes in the student-athlete's senior year in high school; (Revised: 1/10/92 effective 8/1/92, 11/01/01, 8/8/02)

    (b) The injury or illness occurs prior to the completion of the first half of the playing season that concludes with the NCAA championship in that sport (measured by the number of scheduled contests or dates of competition not exceeding the maximum limitations in each sport as set forth in Bylaw 17 as set prior to the first scheduled contest or date of competition of the designated official NCAA championship playing season in the applicable sport) and results in incapacity to compete for the remainder of that playing season; and (Revised: 1/14/97 effective 8/1/97, 4/26/01 effective 8/1/01, 4/3/02)

    (c) The injury or illness occurs when the student-athlete has not participated in more than two contests or dates of competition (whichever is applicable to that sport) or 20 percent (whichever number is greater) of the institution’s scheduled contests or dates of competition in his or her sport. Only scheduled competition (excluding scrimmages and exhibition contests) against outside participants during the playing season that concludes with the NCAA championship, or, if so designated, during the official NCAA championship playing season in that sport (e.g., spring baseball, fall soccer), shall be countable under this limitation in calculating both the number of contests or dates of competition in which the student-athlete has participated and the number of scheduled contests or dates of competition during that season in the sport. (Revised: 1/10/92, 1/14/97 effective 8/1/97, 4/26/01 effective 8/1/01)
  3. Marcus Randell needs to switched to fullback or blocking back and put in Ja Marcus Russell as quarterback, why are these names interchangable? The Florida rookie QB is starting, why not make JMR the backup now. If M.Mauck goes down,we do not want a repeat of last year,2wins and 4 losses. If the LSU offensive recruiting had down their duty, this problem would not exist.
  4. i think marcus randell has done an outstanding job so far this season. he has been extremly accurate and confident. hae learned alot last year. redshirt both freshmen for the furture. this way nick continues to build his dynasty. people need to lay off a little bit. nick is a good coach and knows how to run his team.
  5. Are we watching the same games?

    Randall has just lobbed the ball up and relied on our receiver's natural ability to catch the ball coupled with the oppositions lack of such ability. He hasn't been sharp, he's been inconsistant and lucky.
  6. :dis: :dis: :dis: :dis: :dis: :dis: :dis: :dis: :dis:

    Do you have similar comments for Mauck?

  7. That is the most idiotic thing I have ever seen on this board. Are you serious? Marcus Randall at fullback? He is 6'2 and 220 lbs. That may be the worst build ever for a FB. Have you been watching LSU football? He is 14 of 21 for 302 yards and 2 TDs. His completion percentage is BETTER than Mauck's, he has thrown 18 less passes, completed 9 less passes, and only has 1 less yard. Im not saying that he is better than Mauck because Mauck is the man, but this is just assinine. This is a new year, Dr.No, and our top two QBs are MORE than capable of leading this team. Randall and Mauck both have a year (albeit 1 full year between them) of starting at QB in the SEC. Why play the freshmen? I just dont get it. We do not need them this year. Both Mauck and Randall will be back next year, and they will probably be No. 1 and 2, respectively yet again. Only this time with even more experience and maturity. Also, now we dont have to worry about burning redshirts because both Flynn and Russell will be RSFR. THEN we can play them whenever, in whatever situation and see what they are made of, as well as getting them needed reps. I just dont understand. LEAVE THE FRESHMEN ON THE BENCH!
  8. /cheer Hub. Go get em. Hell, Randall hasnt even had his in-game reps with the first team, and Mauck has. I think that says even MORE about how much better Randall has gotten. I sat in the stands and watched Davey stink up the field every time he stepped foot onto it in 99, and then his legacy began at the end of 2000. Its amazing how athletes get better from extra years of practice. :dis: :dis:
  9. Let the freshman get used to the college enviroment and have the best seats at the games. Russell and Flynn should be using this year to learn from the older QB's so that when it is their turn, they will be ready.
  10. By the time Randall has gotten in the defense is far beyond giving a damn.

    Stats are stats. If you base performance solely on stats then you are going to get bad evaluations.