1. Paul will never win the job because his isolationist stance is way too radical. In today's world we cannot build a fence around America and assume all other nations will "mind their own business".
  2. just wanted to quote this one because i think it may be the only time you and I will ever agree on something in FSA.
  3. It has never been good for America, for the people of Iowa and New Hampshire to be the ones that get to decide who the candidates will be. The rest of the country only gets to consider what passes muster in two rural yankee states. Our primary system needs overhaul.
  4. I worked in Des Moines for 6 years. I was minion but worked with (translate, was the biatch) for some real rich guys who were IA power brokers. Used to go to a lot of functions (I would rather have had more money, but I did alright) .

    Anyway, I never knew anyone that went to these things. Lord knows what, or who the votes represent. I don't recall any of that crowd ever knowing who voted. They were to busy holding the likes of me, down :)D
  5. I agree with this. Same thing with exit polls on voting day. So much manipulation by the media to influence voting but I'm not willing to f*ck with freedom of the press to call for any changes.
  6. It's a snapshot. Candidates need to know where they stand. Gotta start somewhere.
  7. yep, it is official.

    Ex-Minn. Gov. Tim Pawlenty ends White House bid - Yahoo! News
  8. agree.

    we need a fence, but not in that manner.
  9. First you need to read the definition of isolationist before you start throwing around words you don't know the meaning of.

    Our current foreign policy is pitiful and look where it has gotten us.

    RP will destroy any potential candidate in the debates because he actually reads/studies about history and economics. The others simply play lip service and spout out rhetoric.

    War mongering and scare tactics don't work anymore.
    1 person likes this.
  10. Dude. Paul said he doesn't give a damn if Iran gets a nuke. He is officially a quack and he's done.