1. I have just finished an interview with Lisa Wathne from PETA. You can find the interview shortly at www.wjbo.com:thumb:
  2. ..............
  3. how you been grad?
  4. Who decides how to treat an animal "ethically" ?
  5. I hope you spit in her complementary coffee.
  6. Before I saw Tirk's post on another thread I would have disagreed with you that PETA is a quasi-terrorist group. But having seen his Penn & Teller links, I have to agree with you. Any organization (PETA) that gives money to an organization (ALF - Animal Liberation Front) that promotes violence to achieve its ends, is indeed a quasi-terrorist group.
  7. There's no quasi about it...it IS terrorism!!
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  8. A shot of tiger-p*ss seems an appropriate special addition to the lass's cup-o-java.

    Is there any new word on Mike VI yet? I hope he's up and roaring in time for your opener and that he has a long and glorius reign!
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