I got no problem, I'm fine where I stand. Though I'd say the argument that we're not just as bad off is a matter of opinion. I don't see unemployment coming down. I don't see spending being cut. I don't see the trillions in debt even being attempted to be paid off. I DO see taxes going up significantly very soon, which will do nothing but give the greedy bastards more money to spend on who knows what. That money will be spent and borrowed again before Washington ever gets its hands on it. You don't have to agree with me though, that's the beautiful thing. If we were all just a bunch of pods that agreed on everything, where would the fun be in that?
Nobody said there weren't abuses on both sides. With power comes corruption. It matters not whether it's the government we're talking about or gigantic corporations. My belief however, is that I don't see where anything good has ever come from the rapid expansion of government we've seen as of late. And it just keeps getting worse. And it's not just the left, or right, it's the politicians that can't manage the money we give them to run the country efficiently. Instead, they're like a bunch of pigs at a slop trough.. They consume and consume and never look up until the slop stops flowing. As I said before, I don't like it. I'll take my chances with a corporate friendly environment and less government interference any day.
When government "creates" jobs, it costs money. Money we don't have (borrowed) to pay salaries that get taxed. Then they spend the little bit they got back in taxes like they actually created that revenue and never pay off what was borrowed before. How can you climb out of a hole by digging deeper?
When corporations create jobs, it creates revenue. Nobody I know personally ever ended up rich working for the government... Of course, I don't personally know anyone in politics (go figure). I do however have several friends that are doctors, lawyers, sales managers, executives, consultants, engineers, etc... All of which do pretty darned well for themselves in the private sector. None of those guys like big government spending, high taxes, or massive regulation either... go figure again. So what exactly did capitalism do to you personally that makes you not like it so much? Those mom and pop share holders you spoke of knew when they invested their money there was risk involved. You don't get something for nothing, that's how the system works. Some win, some lose. And if you want to talk about getting screwed on retirement money, get back to me when I'm old enough to start drawing the Social Security I'll never get.. Thanks politicians, glad you were "looking out" for us.
I'm no banking expert either. Since you admit you aren't one, I guess that makes your opinion about as valid as mine doesn't it? :thumb:
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