Internet Kill Switch?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LaSalleAve, Jun 18, 2010.

  1. LSUpathdoc

    LSUpathdoc Trust me, I'm a Doctor

    Re: Obama silencing his critics

    Interesting and terrifying idea.
  2. Richdog

    Richdog 02 Cecilia alumni champs

    Re: Obama silencing his critics

    well, lets just let the govt run the internet.
    ever go get your drivers license? that's run soooooo smoothly.

    tell us how many accidents have occured in the gulf.
    1 person likes this.
  3. houtiger

    houtiger Founding Member

    Re: Obama silencing his critics

    You don't need the govt. to run the airlines. We don't want the govt. to run the internet.

    The govt. has the right to say that due to national security concerns it is not safe to fly the airplanes and no airplanes can fly right now, just as Europe did due to the Iceland volcano.

    The govt. should have the right to shut down the internet if it is being used in ways that are a threat to our property or national security.

    I have already shown a way the internet can be used for command and control by agents attacking the US. That is just one type of threat.
  4. houtiger

    houtiger Founding Member

    Re: Obama silencing his critics

    I believe private companies have plans in place to prevent data breeches, and that they are adequate to keep most high schooler's out of their systems.

    I believe most major corporations can be hacked by sophisticated motivated hackers because that is what I see on an on-going basis.

    FBI Probes Hack at Citibank -

    That's recent, within the last year. It's a real problem, in my industry. This is not my specialty, but I am familiar with it. I managed corporate datacenters for 2 Fortune 500 companies for 15 years, now I work for a mainframe system software vendor, and I still deal with this stuff.

    These companies cannot protect their own data, that's why the FBI and NSA are involved; they have better people.

    If you want to believe there are no national security threats involving the internet, go bury your head in the sand, but I say its real. I have just shown another example in real life.

    There are both criminal and national security threats stemming from uncontrolled use of the internet. We see big corporate america has failed to protect themselves from another hacking effort, its real.

    Just how do you think they hacked Citigroup from Russia? Did they send someone to the computer room and stick a gun in their face? Naw, they logged on in Russia (or Rome, or Rio), over the internet, and hacked em from Russia.
  5. houtiger

    houtiger Founding Member

    Re: Obama silencing his critics

    Why is the government involvement necessary?

    Many parts of the answer. Companies are just not good at protecting themselves. They get hacked, who do they call for help? They call the govt. because the govt. employs folks that are much better than industry employs. Govt. employs those folks because they understand how real and how devastating attacks of this nature can be. They understand in the real world you are not dealing with high schooler's or joy riding 20 somethings, you're dealing with sophisticated and motivated professionals.

    Dollars And Nonsense Blog Archive Computer-Security Firm's Customer Database Hacked

    That's great, computer security company hacked.

    The US used cyber attacks in Iraq already, that is part of why the surge was so successful. That is why we know it works, we do it. We therefore know some of the techniques that could be used against us by Al Qaeda (from sitting in Pakistan), from China, from Russia, or from a Russian agent sitting in a coffee shop in Rio.

    The threats, both criminal and national security are real. This is too easy, there is an endless list of examples already, it is happening now. What we have not seen is a coordinated actual war attack from an adversary. We have developed the capability. We know our foes are working on it and could mess us the commercial world very bad, if mob hackers can do it.

    If I were preparing to attack anyone like russia or china, I'd hack and scramble the computers of all their major banks, airlines, stock exchanges, retailers. Of course I'd try to attack their military computers (after having them under internet surveillance for a few years) and try to shut down their command and control. And it is the internet that would give me the access to them, except for those they keep on private networks not hooked to the internet (if they are that smart, did they protect all of them that needed protection?) Maybe I'd try to take authority over them, plant a few trojan horse bombs in them, then demand ransom for the antidotes. Hmmmmm.....
  6. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Re: Obama silencing his critics

    a lot of people and companies are not good at managing things. that doesnt mean the government is better or should manage these things.
  7. houtiger

    houtiger Founding Member

    Re: Obama silencing his critics

    It also does not mean the govt. is worse at managing these things, there is no proof of that either.

    When companies get hacked, they call the FBI, and the NSA gets involved, for a reason, they are better than the industry folks. Our military figured out how to conduct cyber war and have used it successfully. Who better to defend us against a cyber war than the folks who have planned and executed a successful one. Yes, the military would also get involved in defending a cyber attack.

    The govt. has demonstrated a successful use of this, they are the most skilled at it that I know. The conduct of war is the provence of our govt. It is a full-time job, planning an attack, planning defenses. If they think we may need to shut down the internet to protect the computers of our major banks from being hacked by many simultaneous hackers, I believe them.

    By the way, that is a second form of use of the internet to conduct cyber war, instead of denial of service attacks, go through the internet and attack the computers attached to it, destroy them. Then you have an operating internet to allow you to hack the computers, but you have killed the applications running on the net.

    1. Use it as a tool of command and control domestically in a coordinated terrorist attack.
    2. Use it as an access mechanism to hack and destroy many important computers used to conduct commerce nationally, through the internet.
  8. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    when my car gets stolen, i call the cops. i dont give my keys to the cops beforehand.
  9. houtiger

    houtiger Founding Member

    That is a simple everyday problem. Cyber war is not. Try saying something relevant to the topic of cyber war, which is why the govt. may have a legitimate need to shut down access to the internet, in order to prevent many major corporations from being hacked from foreign countries, like happened to Citigroup. Suppose Al Qaeda set up the top 100 companies and started hitting them one by one (god forbid 100 hackers hitting all at the same time, then starting on the second 100 companies). How are you going to stop that attack? Shut down the internet would be one way. Or you could leave it up and allow them to scramble corporate america.

    BAY0U BENGAL I'm a Chinese Bandit

    So, just to make sure that I'm getting this... They are saying that in event of some sort of global terrorist plot, such as 9/11, that they could shut down all of the internet to keep the terrorists from using e-mail (for example) as a way to communicate through the cell? That's what I'm understanding just from skimming the posts.

    Edit: Nevermind, I found my answer.

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