Internet Kill Switch?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LaSalleAve, Jun 18, 2010.

  1. LSUpathdoc

    LSUpathdoc Trust me, I'm a Doctor

    And I see that you are beyond naive. So you are telling me that you actually trust this government to have power and know how to use it? :dis:

    Well let me ask you would you trust Bush and his administration with this power?

    I personally think based on how the administration has frankly mislead us at every turn they neither deserve my trust nor do they deserve more power. And as for the 1st amendment everything this administration does seems to undermine it at every turn.

    Hitler took away freedom of speech with cheers, just saying.
  2. houtiger

    houtiger Founding Member

    The institutions and the processes of checks and balances has protected this nation for nearly two and a half centuries. When the chips are down, people with integrity have stepped up and used the laws to preserve the nation. When it comes down to protecting the nation, yes, I trust the systems to work, via the checks and balances. There are checks on presidential power.

    Would I trust Bush to make a correct decision on the use of a kill switch? Yes. I don't think he is smart, his administration led us to the brink of a banking system failure, but I don't think he planned it and I think he is sorry it happened. He shut down the private airlines for 3 days after 9/11, and nobody questioned that at all. None on the left or right. I would rather the president have the power to deal with cyber attack, than not. Hopefully it is never needed, but if it is needed, it better be there.

    Article about the bill:
    Senate Proposes “Internet Kill Switch” for Cyber Emergencies // GOSSIPONTHIS.COM

    Take 15 minutes and watch the video on the attacks that have occurred, and those that are possible. It's chilling.

    This is about protection from cyber war, which has already been conducted. It is not about silencing opposition, as we have a first amendment and forces pledged to defend the constitution.
  3. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    I was trying to point out the way the left leaning media treated Bush and the Republicans for the same policies that Obama and the Dems adopted once they took over in Jan 09.
    Examples: Stimulus, Iraq, Afghanistan, Gitmo and wire taps, etc.
    Am I missing anything else here?
    Hmm, My years may be a little off but I could almost swear that we heard all of that greatest recession earlier than 2008.
    Maybe you can explain to me why that was the greatest recession since the great depression while the unemployment rate was at 5% then instead of at 10% or higher in some areas last year or this year?
    I don't know where to start here?
    I am not going to relive the Bush years I am not sure why you feel compelled to go down that road.
    My ONLY concern is SAVING the country from the Jackasses that are running it into the ground.

    I would argue Obama has done everything wrong just like Bush.
    Stimulus after stimulus and we are no better off today.
    I believe Reagan's policies are what should have been done.
    You don't spend money like crazy, that you don't have to revive something, it won't work.
    All you are doing is kicking the can down the road, you are taking away some of the pain but you will feel it at a later date unless you are lucky enough to have a boom of some sort brought on by something similar to the computer or internet boom years.

    In tough times you have to spend less and cut taxes in order to get the economy to grow, you don't do the opposite.
    Even if you were right about Obama's stimulus his other policies will kill it, tax increases (see my thread), cap and tax, Vat tax and health care expenses at probably the worst time in history.
    Allan Meltzer: Why Obamanomics Has Failed -
    No, I totally disagree with you.
    Most people know that MSNBC is left of center and Fox is conservative.
    You left off ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN because they all have their spin as well.
    I would argue some of these are misleading as well because they all act like they have objective journalism when they do not.

    Examples: Dan Rather Gate, Networks following Obama coat tales on campaign tour while ignoring the other side or not treating them the same.
    Under Bush the term greatest recession since the great depression when things were actually still pretty good.
    Unemployment was at 5%, today is the greatest recession and it is totally ignored by most media outlets.
    Matter of fact every network but Fox spends things in favor of this white house.
    Then you have the policy comparison I made above.
    I disagree and I will point to poll numbers.
    We are going to be able to leave Iraq soon because General Be Tray Us proved Liberals wrong and the surge was a success.
    I think Obama is a failure for the time he has been in office.
    That is why he and his administration constantly blame the previous administration.
    He wanted and took the job he should be man enough to be president and get things done or quit.
    Nobody wants a president who consistently blames others for his problems, they want someone who is strong, not a whiner.
    Agreed, I think we should get out of Afghanistan.
    As far as I am concerned the Mission was accomplished when we drove Al Quada and the Taliban out of Afghanistan.
    We can't stay there forever and we can't go everywhere Al Qda terrorists are.
    I can agree with your points here.
    Carbon trading is what people need to try and get in on if cap and tax passes.
    Its going to create more rich people.
    Again, as bad as the private sector and CEO's are government can be and is just as bad, government can oppress its people.
    I really think too much is made into CEO's and the evils of capitalism because government and politics are often ignored.

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