1. i didnt know that. the second part of my question, why is it called charity?
  2. Because there is no charge. Look it up, Charity means freely given. This is a legacy of Huey Long. Poor black people got health care for the first time and LSU and Tulane got new medical schools for young white doctors and nurses. Texaco paid for it from a fraction of their profits. And Huey got everybody's vote.

    So shut up, pay your taxes, enjoy your insurance, and vote for Barry.
  3. I agree. This is my biggest problem with repub candidates. None of them have a solution. Except maybe Romney. Everyone else just says they will repeal obamacare which is stupid.
  4. How is people who pay no taxes better for the nation? How is taxing the rich better for the nation.

    What I don't get is this false idea of people really thinking more people will become insured by paying for it.

    If people make so little as to escape paying taxes how the F is the government going to force them to buy healthcare? With what money?
  5. I just have issue with Red.

    People with no insurance are freeloaders, but somehow people who pay no taxes because they are poor are not. He talks of fairness but rarely displays it.

    I mean, while we are at it, just ask the rich to pay for all healthcare along with the 15 tril in debt.

    You are correct, the healthcare system sucks. While I am military i haven't a clue, but from my understanding, simply lifting state-to-state regulations would work wonders.
  6. Yes

    along with serious tort reform to cut down on the bullsh1t lawsuits would go a long way to lower healthcare to a more affordable zone. The libs will have none of this however as they LOVE them some tort lawyers.
  7. I have no idea what you are trying to say.

    The people not paying taxes are taking advantage of deductions and tax credits that reduce their taxes to near zero. All of these people are earning income and filing tax returns. Many are middle class. Tax loopholes should be closed, the rich use the same loopholes to avoid paying billions. But that is not the issue here.

    The poorest people, the ones that can't afford health insurance will get subsidized insurance that they can take anywhere in the private sector for treatment instead of going to public hospitals and clinics and emergency rooms. Those vestiges of socialized medicine will disappear, perhaps even the VA. Private hospitals should flourish with new insured customers that keep everyones costs down.
  8. Who says? Most people have no problem with reducing frivolous lawsuits. Doctors deserve no special treatment when they break laws, however.
  9. "The freeloading people, the ones that can't afford health insurance will get subsidized insurance that they can take anywhere in the private sector for treatment instead of going to public hospitals and clinics and emergency rooms."
  10. Measure of Risk people. Not pre-paid service.