1. well obamo certainly didn't decide to fast track any requests for action from the louisiana governor. Sitting on it for a few weeks is A-OK
  2. I have to say I'm disappointed with BP, the federal government (especially the administration), and the politics of the left & right.

    For the most part I've been pleasantly surprised and pleased by Louisiana leadership (Republican & Democrat) in dealing with the issue.

    I think three major changes have occured since Katrina:

    1) Many lessons were learned from Katrina and we're much more prepared to handle a disaster

    2) We have a pro-active, competent Governor as opposed to Edith Bunker Blanco

    3) We no longer have the whining, "woe is me", "it's everybody else's fault" mayor of New Orleans screwing things up

    :laflagwav We don't need pity...just the ability to do what we're capable of doing.

    The federal government needs to facilitate our requests or get the hell out of the way.
  3. If it's any consolation(it's not), the fed is getting in the way of other state officials besides La. my friend in Destin said the oil arrived a few nights ago, and county officials risked being jailed for going against the coast guard's orders about barge placement. Apparently they defied the coast guard and did it any way. Sounds similar to La being refused their request to throw up emergency sand barriers. I guess the right hand really does not know what the left hand is doing after all.

  4. All I know is BP's hand is in the lower region giving all of us a stroke job.:eek:
  5. Well even if BP is perpetually trying to protect themselves, they don't look like morons. The feds just look like the keystone cops. But I can't remember when they didn't.

  6. And the Supreme Court (led by the conservative majority) just made sure that even more money can corrupt the system.
  7. Generally, a good post.