1. he has a thing for michelle.
  2. When he approved the navy sniper to take out those pirates.
  3. Come on, you know he isn't doing nothing. Everybody is frustrated, but Obama can't wave a magic wand and make it go away.

    First you say he is doing nothing, and when he does something, you complain. What exactly do you want him to do except mobilize federal agencies (which has been done), hold BP accountable (which has been done), and stay on top of the situation (which has been done)?
  4. I am not saying the Government should fix it. I'm saying they should STFU and get out of the way. All of the caterwauling is a distraction.
  5. lol thats just ridiculous, you did say he should do something about it.

    Quotes are great!
    Which one is it?
    At least your consistent on the STFU, nothing else though.
  6. No, but think what you want.

    How the FK is Obama supposed to know how to fix this problem? He doesn't even know how to control our borders. Maybe he can get ACORN and SEIU to pick up tar balls.

  7. lol, you're just all over the place.
    if all else fails, invoke horrible GOP talking points and buzzwords like Acorn...

    just ridiculous
  8. Maybe Sarah Palin has a better idea . . . :hihi:

    Actually, what are the republicans advocating to be done that hasn't been done? The republicans who aren't kissing BP's ass, that is.
  9. its not ridiculous, he's just mad---at everything.
  10. Because most of them get all of their money from Big Oil.